Traditional Cultural Advisors Committee meeting

Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting
November 17, 2017
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Conference Room-Suite 211, Osage Nation Historic Preservation Office
First National Bank, Pawhuska, OK


Opening prayer
Roll call
Osage Book Club, December 1, 2017 12:00–1:00, (Hunter)
Approval of Minutes
 October 31, 2017
New Business
Sports Team Headdress (Akers)
Stone Bird Head (Hunter)
Old Business, Update/Discussion
Tulsa Botanic Gardens (Addie Hudgins)
Spider Symbol Rock removal update and Facebook post (Winters, O’Donnell)
Osage Tribal Museum update (Winters)
NAGPRA Clarksville Mound Case (Morgan Currey)
Fort Leonard Wood Tribal Consultation (Hunter, O’Donnell, Rodgers, Hamilton)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Consultation Meeting, Nov. 28, 9:00-11:00 (Hunter)
BLM-BIA Tribal Consultation Meeting, Nov. 29, 10:00-12:00 (Hunter)
Buffalo National River Tribal Consultation Meeting, Nov. 30-Dec. 1, (Hunter)
USACE-Kansas City District, Stockton Lake MO Tribal Consultation, Dec. 19 (Hunter)
ONHPO Activities November 1st, 2017 to November 16th, 2017
MRRIC Conference-Kansas City, MO, Oct. 29-Nov. 2 (Fox)
NAGPRA Repatriation, Providence, RI and Colgate University, NY Nov. 1-3 (O’Donnell, Neff)
New Employee Orientation, Nov. 1 (Rodgers)
Lunch with Language-II, Nov. 1 (Jacobs, Vincent)
Oklahoma SHPO Consultation Meeting, Nov. 1 (Hunter, Rodgers, Munkres)
NATHPO Webinar, Nov. 1 (Enzi)
Osage/Missouri Historic Preservation Legal Issues Meeting, Nov. 1 (Hunter)
Osage Nation Academy, PowerPoint 1, Nov. 2 (Rodgers)
NATHPO Conference Call, Nov. 3 (Hunter)
Bison Butchering with Flint Tools Project, Nov. 4 (Cheshewalla)
Putney Landing Reburial, Putney Landing, IL, Nov. 6-8 (Jacobs)
City of Enid KLWS Program Environmental Follow Up Meeting, Nov. 6 (O’Donnell, Enzi, Fox)
MRRIC Agenda Work Group Call, Nov. 7 (Enzi)
Lunch with Language-I, Nov. 7 (Rodgers, Enzi, Neff, O’Donnell)
Osage Nation Academy, PowerPoint 1, Nov. 7 (Rodgers)
ACHP Webinar, Good Faith Effort, Nov. 7 (Fox, Rodgers)
BLM Environmental Impact Statement Call, Nov. 7 (Rodgers, O’Donnell)
Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Tulsa, OK Nov. 8-11 (Rodgers, O’Donnell)
Osage Nation Academy, Business Etiquette, Nov. 8 (Enzi)
Lunch with Language-II, Nov. 8 (Fox, Vincent)
Osage/Missouri Historic Preservation Legal Issues Meeting, Nov. 8 (O’Donnell)
Native American Music as Intellectual & Cultural Property Workshop, Norman, OK Nov. 9 (Neff)
Van Meter State Park Reburial, Marshall, MO Nov. 12-13 (Rodgers, O’Donnell, Jacobs, Cheshewalla, Neff, Vincent)
Fort Leonard Wood NAGPRA Consultation Meeting, Nov. 14-16 (O’Donnell, Rodgers, Hamilton;
Hunter by phone)
Lunch with Language-I, Nov. 14 (Enzi, Neff)
Director’s Meeting, Nov. 15 (Fox)
Osage/Missouri Historic Preservation Legal Issues Meeting, Nov. 15 (Hunter)
BIA-NHPA, NEPA, ARPA Training, Muskogee, OK Nov. 15-17 (Munkres)
Lunch with Language-II, Nov. 15 (Jacobs, Fox, Vincent)
Osage Cultural Academy-Trunk Presentation, Nov. 16 (Hunter)
Next Meeting: December 15, 2017 10:00 a.m., Conference Room, First National Bank