The Hominy Strategic Planning Meeting has been postoned until March 26, 2025.
Join the Osage Nation Museum for Generations of History – Osage Nation Museum Collection Highlights with E. Sean StandingBear | MORE HERE
Osage Nation Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear is serving his third term as head of the Executive Branch, where he continues the work of protecting and enhancing the Osage culture, language, and lands. Principal Chief Standing Bear provides public updates on the work of the Executive Branch via the Office of the Chiefs page.
The mission of Osage Nation Congress is to adopt a system of laws that promote the health, education, and well-being of Osage citizens. They preserve the checks and balances of the government by the independent exercise of legislative powers, and they carry out oversight responsibilities to enhance government accountability. They encourage and support the raising of tribal revenues and appropriate monies that support necessary government services. They are also tasked with preserving and protecting the Nation’s environment.
The Osage Nation Judicial Branch is an independent, co-equal branch of the Osage Nation government empowered by the Osage Constitution to provide an impartial and responsive justice system that protects the rights and liberties of all who come before it, interprets and enforces governing law fairly and equally and reflects the unique social, governmental and cultural standards of the Osage Nation.
The Osage Nation Constitution vests the Osage Minerals Council with the powers to administer and develop the Osage Mineral Estate. The Osage Minerals Council consists of eight Council members that serve as the elected governing body for the mineral affairs of the Osage Mineral Estate. They conduct regular meetings on the first Friday and the third Wednesday of each month.