Bluestem Ranch, LLC Board Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

Date: June 27, 2017   Time 4:00 pm
Place:  Osage Nation Welcome Center
239 W. 12th, Room #217
 Pawhuska, OK


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Prayer
  4. Written Communications
    1. Minutes of previous meeting
  5. Reports:
    1. Financial Report
    2. Ranch Foreman Report
    3. Ranch Manager Report
  6. Old Business
    1. Consideration of equipment purchases
    2. Presentation of Hunting Lease Proposal
  7. New Business
    1. Presentation of OSU Program by Raymond Red Corn, Asst. Principal Chief
    2. Insurance
  8. Executive Session:  Personnel
  9. Actions if any in regard to Executive Session discussion
  10. Adjourn