Bluestem Ranch, LLC Board Meeting
Bluestem Ranch LLC Board
Regular Meeting
Conference Room
Pawhuska Business Center
1225 Virginia Short St Pawhuska, OK
Wednesday, July 18th, 2018
2:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order, Roll call and Welcome
2. Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Financial Report/Budget Update
5. Ranch Foreman/Business Manager Report
6. Old Business
- Fire barn update
- Bison pen leak update
- Saltwater leak update
- FSA acreage reports
- Bison preserve/public land use
7. Executive Session
- Discussion of Proprietary Matters
- Discussion of Personnel Matters
8. Action resulting from Executive Session
9. New Business
- National Bison Association membership
- Employee Retirement Services
- Consideration of purchases
- Osage Nation Department cooperation
- Land purchase opportunities
- Business proposal
10. Adjournment