Cancelled to be rescheduled: Sovereignty Day
Public Event
This event has been cancelled to be rescheduled.
Osage Nation Sovereignty Day will be celebrated on March 14, 2020 at theOsage Casino Hotel Tulsa in the Skyline Event Center, 951 W. 36th St. North.
Gourd Dance will start at 2 P.M., hosted by the Osage Gourd Dancers. Supper Break will be at 5:00 P.M., followed by more gourd dancing. Grand Entry will start at 7:00 P.M.
Head Man - Noah Shadlow
Head Lady - Gigi Sieke
Head Singer - Robert Collins
Host Gourd - Osage Gourd Dancers
MC - Bruce Cass
AD - Tim Lookout
AD - OJ Littlecook
Head Cook - Robin West
Color Guard - Post 198
For vendor information, please call (918)287-9734