Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting
Osage Nation Capitol Building
Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting
Osage Nation Capitol Building
100 W. Main, Pawhuska
March 28, 2019
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Revised Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Prayer
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Consideration of ONCR 19-02, A Resolution to authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity from suit and a consent to jurisdiction to Expedia and its owned affiliates. (Goodfox)
6. Discussion with Bluestem Ranch, LLC.
7. Discussion with Osage, LLC.
8. Executive Session for Proprietary matters for any of the above LLC’s
9. Adjournment
Osage Nation Capitol Building
100 W. Main, Pawhuska
March 28, 2019
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Revised Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Prayer
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Consideration of ONCR 19-02, A Resolution to authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity from suit and a consent to jurisdiction to Expedia and its owned affiliates. (Goodfox)
6. Discussion with Bluestem Ranch, LLC.
7. Discussion with Osage, LLC.
8. Executive Session for Proprietary matters for any of the above LLC’s
9. Adjournment