Gaming Enterprise Board Meeting
DATE/TIME: Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 10 AM
LOCATION: Conference Call:
For dial up information, please contact the board office at 918-287-5558 or email:
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53 and all amendment to the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act and any other applicable laws. The Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the public.
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Board to take action on the following
Amendment #1 to FY2017 Annual Plan of Operations
to include HR-OP22-010 Employee Incentive Plan amendment
5. Announce time and date of next meeting
6. Adjourn