Governmental Operations Committee Meeting

Congressional Chambers

Governmental Operations Committee Meeting

Osage Nation Congress Chambers

September 14, 2016

Immediately Following Session – 12:00 p.m.


  1.  Call to Order
  2.  Roll Call
  3.  Prayer
  4.  Approval of Minutes
  5. Consideration of ONCA 16-86, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Office of the Principal Chief of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2017 in the amount of one million eight hundred ten thousand dollars ($1,810,000); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)
  6. Consideration of ONCA 16-85, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Judicial Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2017 in the amount of five hundred twenty four thousand eighty six dollars ($524,086); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)
  7. Adjournment