Governmental Operations Committee Meeting

Congressional Chambers

Governmental Operations Committee Meeting

Osage Nation Congress Chambers

September 19, 2016

Immediately Following Session – 12:00 p.m.


  1.  Call to Order
  2.  Roll Call
  3.  Prayer
  4.  Approval of Minutes
  5. Consideration of ONCA 16-91, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Executive Administration Division of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2017 in the amount of fourteen million one hundred seventy thousand dollars ($14,170,000); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)
  6. Consideration of ONCA 16-88, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Legislative branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2017 in the amount of two million four hundred fifty five thousand dollars ($2,455,992); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)
  7. Consideration of ONCR 16-35, A Resolution to require proof of tribal enrollment for Artisans who claim Osage affiliation. (Buffalohead)
  8. Adjournment