Governmental Operations Committee Meeting

Congressional Chambers

Governmental Operations Committee Meeting

Osage Nation Congress Chambers

September 21, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Revised Agenda

  1.  Call to Order
  2.  Roll Call
  3.  Prayer
  4.  Approval of Minutes
  5. Consideration of ONCA 16-77, An Act to amend 9 ONC § 2-101 to change the definition of marriage. (Buffalohead)
  6. Consideration of ONCA 16-82, An Act to amend ONCA 13-62 to include federal funding agreements; to clarify the time when a resolution of the Minerals Council is required; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn)
  7. Consideration of ONCA 16-83, An Act to remove the safe harbor of elected officials and employees of the Osage Nation who act in reliance on the opinions of the Attorney General; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn)
  8. Adjournment