Governmental Operations Committee Meeting - IFS

Congressional Chambers
Governmental Operations Committee Meeting
Osage Nation Congressional Chambers
June 8, 2017
IFS – 12:00 p.m. 
Revised Agenda 
  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call 
  3. Prayer 
  4. Approval of Minutes 
  5. ONCA 17-80, An Act to amend ONCA 16-94 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Language and Cultural Resources Division in the amount of nineteen thousand seven hundred six dollars ($19,706); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw) 
  6. ONCA 17-83, An Act to amend ONCA 11-86 on the War Memorial Commission removing the restriction that the Osage Nation Congress approve construction contracts over twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Pratt) 
  7. ONCR 17-28, A Resolution to request the United States Congress to reject the President’s proposed budget cuts to American Indian programs directly affecting Indian Country. (Pratt) 
  8. Adjournment