Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting
4500 S. 129th E Ave Tulsa, OK Wednesday, February 20, 2019, 2 PM
Phone 918-807-6093
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
- Mark Goad
- Frank Freeman
- Kay Bills
3. Invocation
4. Agenda (Review and Approval)
5. Minutes: January 16, 2019
6. Financial Report – Treasurer
- Approval of financials reports for October, November, December
7. Old Business:
a) Moss Adams Audit
b) Broadband update-Molly Franks
c) Report on changing payroll from Paychex to Southwest Payroll
d) Gina Gray to recruit a tenant for the Corporate Woods office and identify minimal office space
in Osage County for an office pending a new tenant agreement.
e) Audit update for 2018 quote
f) Casino close out
8. New Business
a. Authorize Gian Gray to draft resolutions to approve four new companies
b. Search for new office in Osage county
c. Website update
d. Search for staff accountant or accountant clerk
e. Disposal and sale of excess furniture and equipment
9. Executive Session if required.
10. Adjourn executive session
11. Adjournment
Next Scheduled Meeting: March 20, 2019 2 PM.