Osage Veterans Memorial Commission Meeting
Osage VeteransMemorial Commission
Osage Nation Conference Room, Welcome Center
January 28, 2018
1:00 P.M.
l. Call to order
2. Prayer, Franklin McKinley
3. Moment of Silence for PEWs- MIAs
4. Roll Call of Commission Members- Franklin
5. Approval of Minutesfrom December 19, 2018
6. Treasurer'sReport
7. Chairman'sReport
8. Secretary'sReport
9. Old Business Donations Coins Osage Foundation
10. New Business. Contract Extension; Additional Sourcesof Income;
Maintenance Responsibility for Memorial
11. Lance Woolsey Requested to Speak to the Commission
12. Accounting
13. Executive Session
14. New Announcementsand Reminders
15. Adjournment