Tallgrass Economic Development LLC Emergency Board Meeting

Emergency Board of Directors Meeting
Via Conference Call: 918-807-6093 – No PIN Required
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 11:00 AM (CST)

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call:

  • Jim Parris, Chairman
  • Kay Bills, Vice Chair
  • Patsy Stuke, Treasurer

3. Invocation
4. Agenda (Review and Approval)
5. Approval of Minutes

  • April 26, 2018

6. New Business:
      a. Resolution No. 18-18 to set the Fiscal Year for the companies to begin on October 1st and end on September 30th
      b. Discussion of requirements for the Facility Clearance
         1. Resolution No. 18-19 to approve the business manager position
         2. Discussion of corporate structure
      c. Discussion of next scheduled meeting
7. Adjournment