Osage Nation Family Violence Prevention Reveals New Meaningful Logo

FVP Logo

Osage Nation Family Violence Prevention (ONFVP) proudly reveals the first-ever logo for their department. ONFVP Director Stacy Lookout identified the need for her department to have a logo that clearly represents its services while welcoming those in need. The logo includes Osage orthography meaning “refuge” and is intended to be a symbol of safety, strength and hope. 

“We are proud to announce the release of Osage Nation Family Violence Prevention Department’s new logo," said Stacy Lookout. "This logo will represent the mission of ONFVPD and serve as a symbol of hope to anyone seeking services.” 

In November 2021, ONFVP Department team members Alexis Sutton (Prevention and Awareness Advocate) and Deanna Cosby (Domestic Violence Advocate) reached out to the Wahzhazhe Communications team to facilitate their logo project. With years of personal art in her background, Cosby offered artistic talent to the brainstorming meeting.  Kicking off the design process, Cosby sketched out several options that included culturally sensitive and meaningful details to align with concepts in the department’s overall objectives.  According to Sutton, “We strive to provide a positive cultural foundation for survivors as well as a safe and welcoming environment. One of our main objectives is to place survivors on a path to a happy and healthy life. And I believe that vision is captured perfectly in our new logo.” 

The next technical step in the creative process was translating the original sketches into a graphic design. Cosby worked with Wahzhazhe Communication’s Graphic Design Artist Kelsey Zaun. Producing many designs over the years, she was quickly able to scan the images into her software and produce four options in the preliminary process. Sutton presented the four options to department staff and collected the overall consensus on the final choice.

Cosby commented, “This department has always meant a lot to me. Although we are a very culturally symbolic tribe, our department’s work doesn’t just serve a significant purpose inside the Osage community, it serves other tribal and non-native communities within this outreach. I have always understood the prominence placed on our department and the purpose it serves.  Drawing and designing this logo was a heartening experience for me personally. The design itself represents our culture, our families, and the healthy relationships that we strive to attain.” 

The ONFVP Department is excited to release the final design. The ONFVP Department is determined to empower those seeking services with the tools needed to rebuild lives and strengthen individuals; to effect social change through outreach and education and in order to put an end to inter-generational violence; and to partner with state, county, and tribal court systems and law enforcement to hold perpetrators accountable for crimes.

For more information, visit our website https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/services/counseling-center/domestic-violence