Osage Nation Museum invites Tribal Members to Attend Museum Expansion Webinar

Throughout May, more than three hundred Osages attended a series of community dinners at the districts of Grayhorse, Hominy, and Pawhuska, hosted by the Osage Nation Museum (ONM). Osages from these districts shared powerful statements about the need for educational opportunities for children and youth, state-of –the-art facilities for collections stewardship, an expanded exhibition program, among many other ideas and reflections. Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear shared his vision for the expansion project and introduced the consulting team of Selser Schaefer Architects and Paratus Group.
Now, tribal members who live outside of the Osage Reservation area or were unable to attend the previous community district dinners have an opportunity to share their ideas in a Zoom webinar on June 11, 2021 at 6PM (CDT). Please join us in this community dialogue to assure that the ONM of the future meets the diverse interests and needs of our tribal constituencies.
“We are asking all community members to join us to share their ideas about the Museum renovation and expansion project,” said Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear. “Community feedback from our Osage members is essential in order to move forward with a design that will truly meet the needs of our people.”
The museum planners and architects will also present an overview of how the community engagement process for this project will ultimately lead to a document that drives the design for the expanded Museum.
To attend, participants are asked to register in advance at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-fKvXaLXQ7K3tl3SL8X8XA
For questions or comments, please email ONM Director Marla Redcorn-Miller at marla.redcorn-miller@osagenation-nsn.gov. The Zoom webinar Facebook event page can be found here.
About Osage Nation Museum: The premier destination to experience Osage history, art, and culture. Visit the Osage Nation Museum (ONM) in historic Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Our rotating exhibits convey the story of the Osage people throughout history and celebrate the culture today. Highlights include an extensive photograph collection, historical artifacts as well as traditional and contemporary art. Founded in 1938, the ONM is the oldest tribally-owned museum in the United States.