Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting AGENDA

Boards & Commissions
Board Meeting
Osage Nation Law Building, Room 121

Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting October 28, 2022 
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM 
Osage Nation Law Building, Room 121 Conference Call: 918-287-5600 




Roll call


Approval of Minutes 
September 30, 2022 
New Business 
Osage Nation Language Department Update (Redeagle) 
ONHPO Activities: September 29, 2022 to October 27, 2022 
Sesquicentennial Planning Committee Meeting, Sept. 29 (Hunter) 
2022 FEMA State Wide Programmatic Agreement, Oct. 3 (Hunter, Murie, Bell) 
U.S. Forest Service Region 8 Meeting, Oct. 4 (Hunter) 
Mark Twain National Forest S106 Planning and Info Sharing Meeting, Oct. 5 (Hunter, Hemming, 
O’Donnell, J. Jacobs, Helton) 
MRRIC – Joint Fish/HC Call #5, Oct. 5 (Hunter, Enzi, Nichols) 
Ohio History Connection NAGPRA Update Meeting, Oct. 5 (O’Donnell) 
Osage/Gilcrease Museum Monthly Meeting, Oct. 5 (Hunter, O’Donnell) 
Osage Language Verb Class, Oct. 6 (Hunter, Neff, Enzi, Bell, O’Donnell, Vincent) 
Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board Meeting, Oct. 6 (Hunter) 
City of Pinckneyville Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility Meeting, Oct. 6 (Hunter, Bell, Morris) Osage Book Club – Picture Cave, Oct. 7 (All Staff) 
ON Judicial Building Meeting, Oct. 7 (Hunter, Helton, Bell) 
Cahokia Geophysical Research Meeting, Oct. 7 (Hunter) 
AAIA Repatriation Conference, New Buffalo, MO, Oct. 10-13 (O’Donnell) 
Purchase Request & API Guidance for FY23 Training, Oct. 11 (Hemming, Enzi, Neff) 
Tribal Nations/Texas Historical Commission Monthly Call, Oct. 11 (Hunter) 
Grand River Dam Authority Meeting, Oct. 12 (Hunter, Hemming) 
Osage Nation PRT A/E Design Status Meeting, Oct. 12 (Hunter, Helton) 
Chamois-Maries NEPA and Section 106 Coordination Meeting, Oct. 12 (J. Jacobs) 
NextEra Lutesville Survey Meeting, Oct. 12 (Hunter, Helton, Nichols) 
Grand River Dam Authority Meeting, Oct. 13 (Hunter, Hemming) 
Grand River Dam Authority Meeting, Oct. 13 (Hunter, Murie) 
Missouri Botanical Garden Meeting, Oct. 14 (Hunter) 
Repatriation Working Group Meeting, Oct. 14 (Hunter, O’Donnell) 

U.S. Forest Service Region 9 Homelands Meeting, Monongahela National Forest, Elkins, WV, Oct. 
16-20 (Hunter, Hemming, O’Donnell)
NextEra Lutesville Solar Monitoring, Oct. 16-22 (Morris) 
TxDOT Tribal Monthly Conference Call, Oct. 19 (Helton) 
Section 106 Essentials for Forest Service Region 8 Training, Oct. 19-20 (Helton, Nichols) 
Osage Language Verb Class, Oct. 20 (Neff, Enzi, Bell, Vincent) 
MRRIC – Joint Fish/HC Call #6, Oct. 20 (Enzi, Nichols) 
ON Judicial Building Meeting, Oct. 21 (Hunter, Helton, Bell) 
ONHPO Legal Cases Zoom Meeting, Oct. 24 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Bell) 
I-270 Project in Madison Co., IL from Riverview Drive to IL-175 Update, Oct. 25 (Hunter, Helton,
Osage Nation PRT A/E Design Status Meeting, Oct. 26 (Hunter, Helton) 
Bowring – Lynn Ave. Boring Monitoring, Oct. 26 (Murie) 
Osage Language Verb Class, Oct. 27 (Hunter, Neff, Enzi, Bell, O’Donnell, Vincent) 
ONHPO/ON AG Lafayette Co. MO Quarry Discussion, Oct. 27 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Bell, Cass, 
Missouri Statewide S106 PA 4th Consultation Meeting, Oct. 27 (Hunter, J. Jacobs, Bell) 
Next Meeting:  November 18, 2022 10:00 a.m., Osage Nation Law Building, Room 121 & Conference Call