Tribal Cultural Advisors Meeting
Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting
August 5, 2016
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Conference Room-Suite 211, Osage Nation Historic Preservation Office
First National Bank, Pawhuska
Opening prayer
Roll call
ONHPO Announcements (Hunter)
Osage Book Club, 12:00–1:00, Aug. 19th, War Ceremony and Peace Ceremony of the Osage Indians by F. LaFlesche, pp. 3-60.
Approval of Minutes
July 1, 2016
New Business
Osage research (Jean Dennison)
Osage Tribal Museum update (Cali Martin)
Shiloah Museum remains (O’Donnell)
NAGPRA denial case by US Army Corps of Engineers-St. Louis District (Hunter, O’Donnell)
Old Business, Update/Discussion
LaFlesche recordings from the Smithsonian (Hunter)
Bundle transfer at the Gilcrease and guidance on housing (O’Donnell)
National NAGPRA Review Committee Recommendations, Clarksville Mound (Hunter, O’Donnell)
ONHPO Activities July 1st to Aug. 4th, 2016
ESRI annual conference, San Diego, CA, June 26-July 1 (Enzi)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, July 1-Aug. 4 (Bean)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, July 4-10 (O’Donnell)
Osage Academy, Excel Level 1, July 5 (Cheshewalla)
Monitoring Clean Line Transmission Line, OK, July 6-9 (Fox)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, July 6 (Enzi, Rodgers, Neff, Mraz, Vincent, Hunter)
Osage Academy, Excel Level 1, July 7 (Cheshewalla)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, July 7 (Jacobs, Fox)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, July 10-17 (Rodgers)
Bundle transfer at the Gilcrease Museum, July 11 (O’Donnell)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, July 13 (Enzi, O’Donnell, Neff, Mraz, Vincent, Hunter,
Lunch with Language-Advanced, July 14 (Jacobs, Fox)
NAGPRA Review Committee Meeting presentation by teleconference, July 14 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
Osage Book Club, The Rite of Chiefs pp. 254-304, July 15 (Cheshewalla, O’Donnell, Hunter,
Fox, Vincent, Jacobs, Enzi, Neff, Mraz, Shannon)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, July 17-23 (Bridgeman)
Monitoring Clean Line Transmission Line, OK, July 17-19 (Fox)
MO Army Natl. Guard tribal consultation meeting, Kansas City, MO, July 18-22 (Hunter, Rodgers,
Lunch with Language-Beginning, July 20 (Enzi, Neff, Mraz, Vincent, Cheshewalla)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, July 21 (Jacobs, Fox)
Monitoring Clean Line Transmission Line, AR, July 24-31 (O’Donnell)
Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, OK, July 25-Aug. 1 (Bridgeman)
BIA EIS meeting with Osage Nation and Minerals Council, July 25 (Hunter)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, July 27 (Enzi, O’Donnell, Neff, Mraz, Vincent, Hunter,
MRRIC Tribal Interest Workgroup webinar, July 28 (Enzi, Fox)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, July 28 (Jacobs, Fox)
MRRIC Agencies Update webinar, July 28 (Hunter, Enzi, Fox)
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency teleconference call on artifact collections, July 28 (Fox)
IL FEMA PA tribal consultation teleconference call, July 28 (Hunter, Fox)
Interpretive Center meeting, Pawhuska, Aug. 1 (O’Donnell)
ACHP tribal consultation on railroads exemption from Section 106 webinar, Aug. 1 (Hunter)
Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, AR, Aug. 2-28 (Bridgeman)
USACE Louisville District tribal teleconference call on removal of mound and burials in Kentucky,
Aug. 2-3 (Hunter, Rodgers, O’Donnell)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Aug. 3 (Enzi, Rodgers, O’Donnell, Neff, Mraz, Vincent)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, Aug. 4 (Fox)
Next Meeting: Sept. 2nd, 10:00 a.m., Conference Room, First National Bank