Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting
Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting
October 14, 2016
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Conference Room-Suite 211, Osage Nation Historic Preservation Office
First National Bank, Pawhuska
Opening prayer
Roll call
New TCA member for Hominy- Carol Hutchins
Approval of Minutes
September 9, 2016
New Business
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair (Hunter)
Master’s thesis research proposal, Laura Bruns (Hunter)
Master’s thesis research proposal, Deseray Helton (Hunter)
Osage Nation Museum updates (Martin)
Old Business, Update/Discussion
LaFlesche recordings from the Smithsonian (Hunter)
November meeting date (Hunter)
NAGPRA Mark Twain Lake Collections, letter of intent to file suit and injunction against USACE-
St. Louis, MO (Hunter)
NAGPRA Clarksville Mound Group, draft letter of intent to file suit and injunction against MO
DNR (Hunter)
ONHPO Activities Sept. 9th – Oct. 13th, 2016
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, Sept 9 to Sept. 14 (Bean)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, Sept 9 to Sept. 30 (Bridgeman)
Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, OK, Sept. 9-11 (O’Donnell)
Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, OK, Sept. 11-18 (Jacobs)
Consultation teleconference call Norfolk Southern Railroad PTC non-compliance, Sept. 12 (Hunter)
Tribal consultation meeting Magellan Pipeline Corp., better practices, Sept. 13 (Hunter)
Teleconference call tribal monitoring practices, CRM Bergman, Sept. 13 (Hunter)
Monitoring meeting for Seeco Well #3-9, Fort Chaffee, AR, Sept. 13 (Rodgers)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Sept. 14 (Rodgers, Enzi, Neff, O’Donnell, Hunter, and Cheshewalla)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, Sept. 14-18 (Fox)
Teleconference call FCC, Section 106 review fees, Sept. 15 (Hunter)
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Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee tribal meeting, Sept. 15 (Hunter, Enzi)
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency new campus excavations update teleconference call, Sept.
15 (Hunter)
Osage Academy, Financial Literacy 2, Sept. 15 (Enzi)
Osage Book Club, War Ceremony and Peace Ceremony of the Osage Indians by F. LaFlesche, pp. 61-16, Sept. 16 (Cheshewalla, O’Donnell, Hunter, Vincent, Rodgers, Enzi, Neff, Mraz)
NAGPRA training presentation, Denver, Sept. 18-22 (O’Donnell)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, Sept. 18 to Oct. 13 (Bean)
Monitoring Seeco Well #3-9, Fort Chaffee, AR, Sept. 19-24 (Rodgers)
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency new campus excavations update teleconference call, Sept.
20 (Hunter)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Sept. 21 (Hunter, Enzi, Neff, O’Donnell, and Cheshewalla)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, Sept. 22 (Jacobs)
Teleconference call Magellan Pipeline, Caney to Coffeyville, KS pipeline non-compliance, Sept. 22
U.S. Congress hearing on Dakota Access Pipeline live stream, Sept. 22 (Neff)
Homeland Security Accelerating Broadband webinar, Sept. 22 (Hunter)
Osage Academy, Financial Literacy 2, Sept. 22 (Enzi) , Sept. 23 (Hunter, Jacobs, Cheshewalla, O’Donnell, Enzi, Neff)
Consultation on Magellan Caney to Coffeyville, KS Pipeline, Sept. 23 (Hunter)
Monitoring Seeco Well #3-9, Fort Chaffee, AR, Sept. 25-28 (Munkres)
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency new campus excavations update teleconference call, Sept.
27 (Hunter)
Forest Service Quarterly teleconference, Sept. 27 (Fox, O’Donnell)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Sept. 28 (Rodgers, Hunter, Enzi, Neff, O’Donnell, and Cheshewalla)
ACHP teleconference call, Sept. 28 (Rodgers)
Putney Landing, IA, site looting teleconference call, Sept. 28 (O’Donnell)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, Sept. 29 (Fox)
Online Historic Preservation Master’s program, Goucher College, teleconference, Sept. 29 (Hunter)
MRRIC webinar, Sept. 29 (Enzi)
Tribal teleconference call with NATHPO on FCC issues, Sept. 29 (Hunter)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, Sept. 30-Oct. 9 (Fox)
Homeland Security Accelerating Broadband webinar, Oct. 3 (Hunter)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Oct. 5 (Rodgers, Hunter, Enzi, Neff, O’Donnell)
FEMA tribal relations teleconference call, Oct. 6 (Enzi)
Tribal teleconference call with NATHPO on FCC issues, Oct. 6 (Hunter)
Mark Twain Natl. Forest Osage culture/history presentation, Rolla, MO, Oct. 6-8 (Hunter)
Past Perfect training, Pawhuska, Oct. 6 (Rodgers)
Monitoring Dakota Access Pipeline, IL, Oct. 9-13 (Bridgeman)
Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, AR, Oct. 9-13 (Neff and O’Donnell)
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency excavations update teleconference, Oct. 11 (Fox)
MO DNR tribal teleconference call inadvertent discovery of human remains, Chesterfield, MO, Oct.
11 (Hunter)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Oct. 12 (Hunter, Enzi, and Cheshewalla)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, Oct. 13 (Jacobs)
Next Meeting: November TBD, 2016 10:00 a.m., Conference Room, First National Bank