Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting


Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting

November 7, 2016
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Conference Room-Suite 211,
Osage Nation Historic Preservation Office
First National Bank, Pawhuska

Opening prayer
Roll call

Approval of Minutes
October 14, 2016

New Business
Osage Nation Museum updates (Martin)

Old Business, Update/Discussion
Master's thesis research proposal, Laura Bruns (Akers, Hunter)
Master's thesis research proposal, Deseray Helton (Akers, Hunter)
NAGPRA Claims Update and Assistance Request (Hunter)
Executive Session
LaFlesche recordings from the Smithsonian (Akers)

ONHPO Activities Sept. 9th-Oct. 13th, 2016
Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, Clarksville, AR, Oct. 9-16 (Neff and O'Donnell)
U.S. Corps of Engineers-Memphis District Consultation, Oct. 17 (Hunter, Fox, O'Donnell)
Administrative Conference, Tulsa, OK, Oct. 17 (Cheshewalla, Jacobs)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Oct. 19 (Rodgers, Neff, Hunter, and Cheshewalla)
BIA Environmental Impact Statement Meeting, Oct. 20 (Neff)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, Oct. 20 (Jacobs)
GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Training, Nashua, NH, Oct. 18-21 (Enzi, Fox, O'Donnell) Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, Clarksville, AR, Oct. 23-29, (Jacobs)
Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, West Memphis, AR, Oct. 23-30 (Fox)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Conference, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 24-27 (Hunter)
Business Writing and Editing Webinar, Oct. 25 (Neff, Rodgers, Enzi, O'Donnell, Cheshewalla,
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Oct. 26 (Rodgers, Enzi, Neff, O'Donnell, Hunter, and
Lunch with Language-Advanced, Oct. 27 (Jacobs, Fox)
Southeastern Archeological Conference, Athens, GA, Oct. 26-30 (Rodgers)
Monitoring Diamond Pipeline, Clarksville, AR, Oct. 30-Nov. 6, (O'Donnell)
New Hire Orientation, Nov. 2 (Fox)
Lunch with Language-Beginning, Nov. 2 (Rodgers, Enzi, Neff, and Hunter)
Lunch with Language-Advanced, Nov. 3 (Jacobs, Fox)
Osage Weddings, Oct. 4 (Jacobs, Cheshewalla, Enzi, Neff, Enzi, Rodgers, Fox,
     and Vincent)
Southern California Osages Meeting, Carlsbad, CA, Nov. 4-6 (Hunter)

Next Meeting: December 2, 2016 10:00 a.m., Conference Room, First National Bank