Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting

Osage Nation Capitol Building
Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting
Osage Nation Capitol Building
100 W. Main, Pawhuska
September 17, 2018
1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 
Revised Agenda
  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call 
  3. Prayer 
  4. Approval of Minutes 
  5. Consideration of ONCA 18-40, An Act to amend the Limited Liability Companies Act at 4 ONC §§ 2-914 and 2-921; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Tillman) 
  6. Consideration of ONCR 18-23, A Resolution to transfer the Member of the Bluestem Ranch, LLC from the Tallgrass Economic Development, LLC to the Osage Nation. (Tillman) 
  7. Bluestem Ranch Annual Plan Presentation 
  8. Consideration of ONCA 18-58, An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Bluestem Ranch, LLC in the amount of one million one hundred thousand dollars ($1,100,000) out of the Economic Development Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn) 
  9. Consideration of ONCA 18-53, An Act to amend the Limited Liability Companies Act at 4 ONC §§ 912, 932 and 933; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn) 
  10. Consideration of ONCR 18-25, A Resolution to designate Tallgrass Economic Development, LLC as a subsidiary limited liability company of Osage, LLC pursuant to the Limited Liability Companies Act, as the sole member of both entities. (Whitehorn) 
  11. Adjournment