4th Special Session of the 6th Osage Nation Congress

Osage Nation Capitol Building, 100 W. Main, Pawhuska
6th   Osage Nation Congress
4th Special Session
June 24, 2019
10:00 a.m.
Day 7 Agenda 
  1. Prayer
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of the Journal
  4. Reports of Select Committees
  5. Reports of Standing Committees
  6. General Order Day 2 – Amendments May Be Proposed 
      a. ONCA 19-51, An Act to amend ONCA 18-48 to provide budget amendments to departments and programs in the Executive Branch; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Goodfox)        
      7.  Bills and Resolutions on Third Reading 

      a. ONCA 19-46, An Act to authorize and appropriate two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to the Capital Asset Fund for conceptual design for the Osage Nation Museum expansion; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Walker) 
      b. ONCA 19-49, An Act to authorize and appropriate four hundred fifty five hundred thousand dollars ($455,000) to the Osage Nation Property Improvement Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Goodfox) 
      c. ONCA 19-50, An Act to establish a revolving fund for improvements of Osage Nation property; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Goodfox) 
      d. ONCA 19-52, An Act to amend ONCA 18-48 to provide supplemental appropriations in the amount of five million nineteen thousand seventy nine dollars ($5,019,079) and appropriation reductions in the amount of three million three hundred seventy four thousand three hundred seventy           dollars ($3,374,370) to departments and programs of the Executive Branch; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Potts) 
      e. ONCA 19-53, An Act to authorize and appropriate the sum of one hundred sixty eight thousand two hundred forty dollars ($168,240) to the Education Partnership Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn) 
      f. ONCA 19-54, An Act to amend the Education Partnership Fund to provide for educational materials and services; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn) 
     g. ONCR 19-14, A Resolution to authorize and approve a Charter of Bacone College as a Tribal College by the Osage Nation; to request the American Indian Higher Education Consortium to approve Bacone College as a Tribal College; and to encourage the continued future financial                   support of Bacone College through donations. (Maker) 
  1. Motions and Notices
    • Appropriations Committee Meeting – Immediately following session until      4:00 p.m.
  2.  Adjournment