Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting
Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting
February 26, 2021
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Conference Call: 918-287-5600
AgendaOpening prayer
Roll call
Approval of Minutes
January 8, 2021
New Business
Wha-Zha-Zhi Cultural Center Update (Hudgins)
Language Department Update (Bighorse)
Osage Nation Museum Update (Redcorn-Miller)
Gift Proposals
o Bill Stingley (sword and commemorative medals)
o Todd Wyrick (historic panoramic photo, ca. 1920s)
Blevins Prairie Research Proposal (O’Donnell)
Allottee List Review (Munkres)
Suarez Research Proposal (Dr. Celina Suarez)
Old Business, Update/Discussion
Brooklyn Museum, Gibson Exhibit Update (O’Donnell)
ONHPO Activities January 8th, 2021 to February 25th, 2021
Repatriation Working Group Call, Jan. 8 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
Phillips 66 WR-01 Monitoring, Jan. 8-15 (Hartley)
Pensacola Dam Monitoring, Jan. 8-13 (Morris)
Osage Language-Beginner B, Jan. 12 (Hunter, Neff, Enzi)
Ste. Genevieve NHP Call, Jan. 12 (O’Donnell)
Tribal Perspectives Planning Meeting, Jan. 12 (O’Donnell, Helton, Callahan)
City of Clayton Commemorative Landscape Task Force Call, Jan. 13 (O’Donnell)
Zoom: Team Dynamics – Customer Service Training, Jan. 14 (All Staff)
ESRI Consultation, Jan. 14 (Enzi)
Missouri State Museum NAGPRA Call, Jan. 15 (O’Donnell)
Webster University Osage Art Exhibition Call, Jan. 15 (O’Donnell)
Pensacola Dam Monitoring, Jan. 18-27 (Morris)
Smarthistory – Cahokia Video Zoom Meeting, Jan. 19 (O’Donnell)
Osage Language-Beginner B, Jan. 19 (Hunter, Neff, Enzi)
Osage Nation/Shawnee National Forest Golconda Project Meeting, Jan. 19 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Helton, Callahan)
Arkansas Dept. of Transportation MOA Zoom Meeting, Jan. 19 (Munkres, Hendrix)
Osage Nation/Gilcrease NAGPRA Update Meeting, Jan. 20 (O’Donnell)
Southeastern NAGPRA Community of Practice First Meeting, Jan. 20 (O’Donnell)
Monthly TxDOT Tribal Consultation Conference Call, Jan. 20 (Helton)
Zoom: Team Dynamics – Time Management Training, Jan. 21 (All Staff)
Tennessee Valley Authority Monthly Tribal Call, Jan. 21 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Deere)
ONHPO Legal Team Zoom Meeting, Jan. 21 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Hendrix, Currey)
NAGPRA Community of Practice Bi-Monthly Call, Jan. 22 (O’Donnell)
ESRI Consultation, Jan. 22 (Enzi)
ESRI Consultation, Jan. 26 (Enzi)
NATHPO Virtual Conference, Jan. 27-28 (Hunter, Hendrix, Helton, Stanyard)
CFLR Partner’s Meeting, Jan. 28 (Helton, O’Donnell, Callahan)
Phillips 66 WR-01 Pipeline Segments Meeting, Jan. 29 (Hunter, Munkres)
Killers of the Flower Moon Set Design Meeting, Feb. 1 (Hunter)
Fort Leonard Wood Protective Cave Gate Teleconference, Feb. 1 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
Cahokia NAGPRA Grant Planning Call, Feb. 1 (O’Donnell)
Mark Twain Nation Forest Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Update Call, Feb. 2 (O’Donnell, Munkres, Helton, Callahan)
Osage/Gilcrease Consultation Monthly Meeting, Feb. 3 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
Zoom: Team Dynamics – Conscious Leadership Training, Feb. 4 (All Staff)
Southwestern Power Administration Meeting, Feb. 4 (Munkres, Hendrix)
ESRI Consultation, Feb. 4 (Enzi)
ONHPO Legal Team Zoom Meeting, Feb. 4 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Hendrix, Currey)
Tribal Nations/THC Monthly Call, Feb. 9 (Hunter, Hendrix)
Hoosier National Forest Tribal Perspective Training, Feb. 10 (Bell)
USDA-RUS Survey Requests Meeting, Feb. 11 (Hunter, Hendrix, Jacobs)
Repatriation Working Group Meeting, Feb. 12 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
ESRI Consultation, Feb. 12 (Enzi)
Missouri Coalition for the Environment Board of Directors Meeting, Feb. 15 (Hunter)
Ste. Genevieve NHP Foundation Workshop, Feb. 17 (O’Donnell)
Ouachita and Ozark-St. Francis NF Monthly Tribal Call, Feb. 17 (Hunter, Helton)
Ouachita National Forest Consultation Meeting, Feb. 18 (Hunter, Helton)
Tennessee Valley Authority Monthly Tribal Call, Feb. 18 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Deere)
ONHPO Legal Team Zoom Meeting, Feb. 18 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Hendrix, Currey)
Ste. Genevieve NHP Foundation Workshop, Feb. 19 (O’Donnell)
Kansas Dept. of Transportation Tribal Consultation Meeting, Feb. 19 (Hunter, Helton, Hendrix)
Project Review Meeting, Feb. 22 (O’Donnell, Helton, Hendrix, Callahan)
Southeastern NAGPRA Community of Practice Meeting, Feb. 22 (O’Donnell)
Osage Nation/Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources Burial Law Violation Meeting, Feb. 23 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
1921 Graves Public Oversight Meeting, Feb. 23 (Hunter)
Kansas USDA Natural Resource Conservation Services Meeting, Feb. 24 (Hunter, Munkres)
Zoom: Team Dynamics – Excel Basics Training, Feb. 25 (All Staff)
Southwestern Power Administration Multi-State PA Development Meeting, Feb. 25 (Hendrix, Munkres, Helton, O’Donnell)
Gilcrease Cahokia Collection Review Part 2, Feb. 25 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
Next Meeting: March 26, 2021 10:00 a.m., Conference Call