Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting
United States
Traditional Cultural Advisors Meeting September 24, 2021
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Conference Call: 918-287-5600
Opening prayer
Roll call
August 27, 2021
New Business
Language Department Update (Bighorse)
Osage Nation Museum Update (Redcorn-Miller)
Sierra Club Name Change (O’Donnell)
School of the Osage Logo (O’Donnell)
Osage Necklace (O’Donnell)
Native American Rights Fund (NARF) Property (O’Donnell)
Picture Cave (Hendrix)
ONHPO Activities August 27th, 2021 to September 23rd, 2021
Trileaf Site Consultation Meeting, Aug. 27 (Hunter)
SWCA/ARG Phase 1 Archaeological Survey Field Review Meeting, Aug. 27 (Hunter, Hendrix,
MO NRCS East Locust Creek Reservoir Consultation, Aug. 27 (Hunter, Munkres)
Tennessee Valley Authority MOA Meeting, Aug. 31 (Deere, Hendrix)
Revising the Definition of “Waters of the United States” Public Meeting, Aug. 31 (Hunter, Munkres,
Helton, Bell)
Osage/Gilcrease Consultation Monthly Meeting, Sept. 1 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
USACE-Tulsa Electronic Submission Standards Meeting, Sept. 1 (Hunter)
Directors Meeting, Sept. 2 (Hendrix)
ONHPO Legal Team Zoom Meeting, Sept. 2 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Hendrix, Currey)
ISAS Inadvertent Discovery Follow Up Call, Sept. 7 (O’Donnell)
St. Louis Contemporary Art Museum Call, Sept. 7 (O’Donnell)
Mark Twain National Forest S106 PA and Planning Call, Sept. 8 (Hunter, Hemming, Hendrix,
Munkres, O’Donnell)
Mapping Tips for Section 106 Reviews Workshop, Sept. 8 (Enzi)
ProPublica NAGPRA Discussion, Sept. 8 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
Gilcrease NAGPRA Update Call, Sept. 9 (O’Donnell)
Fort Leonard Wood MOA Stipulations Discussion Teleconference, Sept. 9 (Hunter, O’Donnell,
Hendrix, Stanyard)
Sallisaw Watershed Dams 13 & 19 Project Meeting, Sept. 9 (Hunter, Munkres)
MSU NAGPRA Update Call, Sept. 10 (‘Donnell)
Repatriation Working Group Meeting, Sept. 10 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
City of Oxford Presentation, Sept. 11 (Hunter)
Osage Language Class - Beginner B, Sept. 13 (Neff, Bell)
BIA Zoom Meeting, Sept. 13 (Hunter, Munkres, Hendrix)
USACE-KC Interception Rearing Complex Projects for the Missouri River Recovery Plan Meeting,
Sept. 14 (Hunter, Munkres, Hendrix)
MRRIC Joint Fish/HC Call, Sept. 14 (Hunter, Enzi)
Tribal Nations & THC Monthly Call, Sept. 14 (Hunter, O’Donnell)
RHD New Construction Projects Consultation Meeting, Sept. 14 (Jacobs, Hendrix)
Ozark-St. Francis NF Bi-Monthly Call with Tribes, Sept. 15 (Hunter, Hemming, O’Donnell)
Ohio History Connection NAGPRA Consultation, Sept. 15 (Hendrix)
Monthly TxDOT Tribal Consultation, Sept. 15 (Helton)
TVA Monthly Tribal Call, Sept. 16 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Deere)
Attitude is Everything Exec. Zoom Training, Sept. 16 (All Staff)
ONHPO Legal Team Zoom Meeting, Sept. 16 (Hunter, O’Donnell, Hendrix, Currey)
Osage Nation and KDOT Discussion on Survey Methodology, Sept. 16 (Hunter, Hendrix, Helton) Joint Texas and Arkansas National Guard Consultation Meeting, Sept. 21-23 (Hendrix, Stanyard) Mizzou NAGPRA Call, Sept. 20 (O’Donnell)
Gilcrease Museum Inventory Check, Tulsa, OK, Sept. 21 (O’Donnell)
Osage Language Class - Beginner B, Sept. 21 (Hunter, Neff, Bell, Enzi)
Wisconsin FHWA/DOT Section 106 PA Kick Off Meeting, Sept. 22 (Helton, Hendrix)
Penn Museum NAGPRA Consultation, Sept. 22 (O’Donnell)
Osage Nation, FHWA, ACHP, and ODOT Tribal Consultation Meeting, Sept. 22 (Hunter)
Virtual Teacher Workshop, Gateway Arch NPS, Sept. 23 (O’Donnell)
Schott Road Easement SUP & AVECC Powerline Consultation, Sept. 23 (Hunter, Hemming, Hendrix)
Next Meeting: October 29, 2021 10:00 a.m., Conference Call