Strategic Planning

Osage Nation Census 

On April 8, 2022, the Osage Nation Congress passed ONCA 22-30 to conduct the first Osage Nation Census. Thereafter, a census will be conducted every five (5) years. By conducting regular censuses, the Osage Nation can maintain sovereignty and strengthen the capacity to self-govern, thereby fostering sustainable development and prosperity within the Nation. The purpose of the first Osage Nation Census is not only to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the member demographics but also to empower the Nation to shape its future more effectively.

This census will provide a fundamental tool for:

  • Assessing the needs of Osage Nation Tribal Members
  • Informing Osage Nation leaders as they decide how to use resources and plan for the future
  • Strengthening grant applications for new funding
  • Supporting the Osage Nation’s sovereignty
  • Securing federal funding
  • Allocating resources based on population size, such as healthcare, education, and housing grants
  • Understanding the needs and challenges of the Osage Nation Tribal Members, enabling leaders to develop targeted programs and policies to address them
  • Preserving Osage identity and culture, as it provides insight into language usage, tribal affiliation, and historical trends within the Nation, empowering the Nation to safeguard Osage heritage for future generations. 


CLICK HERE to download a copy of the 2023 Osage Nation Census. 


Osage Nation Resource Directory 

The 2022 Osage Nation Resource Directory is now available. The purpose of the resource directory is to provide an informational guide on governmental functions and information on services available to constituents. The booklet is designed to provide a quick reference of information and available services, the location in which those services are available, and who could potentially qualify for those services.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of the 2022 Osage Nation Resource Directory. 

Service area flyers based on these categories have also been developed as quick handouts to constituents: Osage Territory—Direct Services, Culture Services, Education Services, and Health Services; Oklahoma—Direct Services, Education Services, and Culture Services; and Global—Direct Services, Education Services, and Culture Services.

Service Flyers (for download) 

About Strategic Planning 

Strategic Planning is the development of a guideline for future physical and socioeconomic development based on present and future needs. The Plan is a flexible document that should be updated as often as necessary to stay current with the core values of present and future generations. 

Please view the FAQ list below to find out more. 

What is the Osage Nation’s strategic plan?

The core purpose of the 25-year strategic plan is to strengthen the Osage Nation government and society in order to preserve and perpetuate a full and abundant Osage way of life that benefits all Osages, living and as yet unborn.

The Osage Nation Strategic Update The Next 5 Years: 2020-2025 is the result of a broad-reaching and comprehensive survey of the Osage tribal members and their priorities for the direction of the Nation.

Why is having a strategic plan important?

The Strategic Plan is a guideline and a roadmap for the direction of the Nation based on input from members of the Osage Nation. 

What benefits come from a strategic plan?
  • The Plan demonstrates the Osage Nation’s accountability to the input of Osage Nation tribal members. 
  • The goals of the Plan in various areas of focus help to result in a more efficient, effective and sustainable Nation for present and future generations.
  • The Strategic Plan is utilized by Osage Nation leaders to make decisions on implementing programs and allocating resources. 
  • The Strategic Plan is often referenced in grant application to give credibility to a proposal and to demonstrate that we are a Nation that plans for the future. 
How often do you update a strategic plan?

The Nation’s strategic plan should be updated and revised when major events take place such as when:

  • Legislation is passed that affects the Nation 
  • There are changes in the economy
  • New technology brings new opportunities
  • Incidents transpire that affect the Osage people
  • Leadership deems it necessary for changes to be made
  • As a general rule the strategic plan should be updated every three to five years
Where can I get a copy of the Osage Nation Strategic Update: The Next 5 Years: 2020-2025?

There are limited numbers of the hard copies available upon request. Download a copy here

Accomplishments [CLICK HERE]