Emergency Government Operations Meeting
Congressional Committee Meeting
Emergency Government Operations Committee Meeting
Osage Nation Capitol Building
100 W. Main, Pawhuska
October 28, 2021
1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Revised Agenda
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Prayer
- Approval of Minutes
- ONCA 22-11, An Act to amend ONCA 21-95 to authorize appropriation modifications and supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in non-Tribal funds in the amount of one million one hundred ten thousand two hundred sixty eight dollars ($1,110,268); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Lemon)
- ONCA 22-12, An Act to amend ONCA 21-97 to authorize IDC Grants to expend additional monies in the amount of twelve thousand seven hundred twenty two dollars ($12,722) appropriated through the FY 2022 appropriation bills; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Lemon)
- ONCA 22-13, An Act to amend ONCA 21-98 to authorize appropriation modifications and supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in the amount of one hundred sixty one thousand three hundred thirty five dollars ($161,335); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Lemon)
- Adjournment