Government Operations Committee Meeting

Congressional Committee Meeting

Government Operations Committee Meeting
Osage Nation Capitol Building
100 W. Main, Pawhuska
April 8, 2022
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Revised Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Prayer
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. ONCA 22-50, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to Osage County Rural Water District #5 for water system maintenance and improvements; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Walker)
  6. ONCA 22-42, An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) to the Executive Branch in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for a CARES Continuation project for the remodel of the Mid-Continent Building as a COVID compliant central receiving facility; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Revard)
  7. ONCA 22-40, An Act to amend the Budget Process Act to prohibit disbursements from the Osage Nation Treasury for the purpose settling wrongful termination, employee separation disputes, or sexual harassment claims in excess of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) without appropriation and authorization by the Osage Nation Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Potts)
  8. ONCA 22-41, An Act to prohibit sexual harassment and sexual discrimination; to prove a limited waiver of sovereign immunity; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Potts)
  9. ONCA 22-52, An Act to amend the Burial Assistance Fund to increase the maximum benefit to eight thousand dollars ($8,000); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Potts)
  10. ONCA 22-53, An Act to amend ONCA 21-80 to reduce the appropriation of four million seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($4,750,000) to the Executive Branch in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for replacement and upgrades to the Nation’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems by three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Revard)
  11. Adjournment