ON Visitors Center Updated Hours
Office Closure
The Osage Nation Visitors Center will have adjusted hours on the above dates.
ON WIC Opening Tulsa Clinic
Public Event
Tulsa WIC Office will be open to the public for all appointments.
ONCC Sobriety Walk
Public Event
Registration begins at 11 AM in the Hominy Indian Village Community Building!
ONCDFI Board Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting
ONCDFI Board Regular Board Meeting A genda This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to
ONCDFI Board Regular Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon a/I mal/ers appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open lo the public. Place To Borrow Money Conference
ONCDFI Board Regular Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the public. 1. Call to Order 2. Opening
ONCDFI Board Regular Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all mailers appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the public. 1. Call to Order 2. Opening
ONCDFI Board Regular Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the public. 1. Call to Order 2. Opening
ONCDFI Board Regular Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the public.
ONCDFI Board Regular Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the public.
ONCDFI Board Regular Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vole upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the public.
ONCDFI Board Regular Meeting Agenda - Revision 2
Board Meeting
This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the public. Regular Meeting Agenda - Revision
ONCDFI Board Special Board Meeting
Board Meeting
ONCDFI Board Special Board Meeting Agenda This notice is posted in accordance with ONCA 07-53, the Osage Nation Open Meeting Act. The Osage Nation Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Board may discuss, make motions, and vote upon all matters appearing on this agenda, such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item. This meeting is open to the