Osage War Memorial Commission Meeting
Osage War Memorial Commission Osage Nation Office of the Principal Chief Executive Basement Conference Room June 28, 2017 10:30 A.M. Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Prayer 3. Roll Call 4. Approve previous meeting minutes 5. Discussion of the word 'Memorial' in the title of Osage War Memorial 6. Old Business 7. New Business 8. Adjournment
Osage Youth Council Elections Meeting
Osage Youth Council Special meeting for officer elections 627 Grandview Pawhuska, Okla. 74056 Contact: Cherise Miller Culture & Language Curriculum Specialist Community Outreach Department 627 Grandview, Pawhuska, OK 74056 P: (918) 287-5544
Osage Youth Open Mic Series
Public Event
The Osage Nation Museum (ONM) and Osage Nation STEAM Program are collaborating to launch an Osage Youth Open Mic Series. The Open Mic is welcoming performers ages 10-24 years old to share their artistic talents. The first ever Open Mic provides an opportunity for the youth in our community to perform for an audience of their peers. Youth are welcome to read poems, short stories, or other written
Osage-Teacher: Mogri Lookout-Edmond
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Osage LLC Board of Directors Monthly Meeting DATE/TIME: Friday May 15, 2015, 1 PM LOCATION: Conference Call AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. Review, consider and take action regarding the minutes of the last meeting & emergency meeting 5. Board to hear, review and discuss Financial Statements 6. Board to hear, review and discuss management reports including
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Conference Call 11:00 pm Thursday, February 23, 2017 Board Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Review and Approval of Minutes: January 19, 2016 Minutes Executive Session: Legal Update on Hudson Insurance Case Other Business: None December Actions: None Adjournment: Next Scheduled Meeting: Friday, March 24, 2017 In-Person 4500 S. 129th E. Ave, Tulsa, OK
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Conference Call: (918) 807-6093 Thursday, July 2, 2018 at 2:30 PM (CST) AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Patsy Stuke Frank Freeman Kay Bills 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. Approval of Financials 6. Adjournment
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Attorney General’s Conference Room, Pawhuska, OK Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 10:00 AM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Patsy Stuke Frank Freeman Kay Bills 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. Minutes: June 28, 2018 July 2, 2018 6. Financial Report – Treasurer: June 30, 2018 Financial Statements 7. Old Business: A. Moss Adams Audit B. Baker Tilly Review 8
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Via Conference Call: (918) 807-6093 – no pin required Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 10:00 AM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Patsy Stuke Frank Freeman Kay Bills 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. Minutes: July 26, 2018 6. Financial Report – Treasurer: July 31, 2018 Financial Statements 7. Old Business: A. Moss Adams Audit B. Baker Tilly Review 8. New
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Emergency Meeting 4500 S 129th E Ave, Suite 105 Tulsa OK Tuesday August 28, 2018 at 4:00 PM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Kay Bills Patsy Stuke Frank Freeman 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. New Business A. Approve the Execution of the Community Connect Grant Award B. Borrower ACH Payment Form C. Approve Human Resource Policy- Timekeeping D. Engagement
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Emergency Board of Directors Meeting Via Conference Call: (918) 807-6093 – no pin required Monday, September 17, 2018 at 11:00 AM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Patsy Stuke Frank Freeman Kay Bills 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. New Business A. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with the Osage Nation to execute the Broadband Grants 6. Adjournment
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Via Conference Call: (918) 807-6093 – no pin required Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 10:00 AM Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Patsy Stuke Frank Freeman Kay Bills 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. Minutes: August 23, 2018 August 28, 2018 September 17, 2018 6. Financial Report – Treasurer: August 31, 2018 Financial Statements 7. Old Business: A. Moss
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting 4500 S. 129th E Ave Tulsa, OK Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 4:00 PM Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Patsy Stuke Frank Freeman Kay Bills 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. Minutes: August 23, 2018 August 28, 2018 September 13, 2018 September 17, 2018 6. Financial Report – Treasurer: August 31, 2018 Financial Statements 7. Old Business: A. Moss Adams
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Emergency Board of Directors Meeting Via Conference Call: (918) 807-6093 – no pin required Wednesday, October 16, 2018 at 4:00 PM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Patsy Stuke Frank Freeman Kay Bills 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. New Business: Approve August 2018 financials 6. Adjournment Next Scheduled Meeting: Thursday, October 25, 2018 via Conference Call
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting 4500 S. 129th E Ave Tulsa, OK Thursday, June 26, 2019, 2 PM Phone 405-421-0045 Code: 388504 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Kay Bills Frank Freeman Richard Perrier 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. Minutes: April 15, 2019 June 3, 2019 6. Financial Report – Treasurer Approval of certified financials reports for May 2019 7. Old Business: a) Moss Adams
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Emergency Board of Directors Meeting 4500 S. 129th E Ave Tulsa, OK Wednesday, July 17, 2019 2 PM Phone 405-421-0045 Code: 388504 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Kay Bills Frank Freeman Richard Perrier 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. Minutes: June 26, 2019 6. Financial Report – Treasurer Approval of certified financials reports for June 2019 7. Old Business: a) Moss Adams
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting 4500 S. 129th E Ave Tulsa, OK Wednesday, February 20, 2019, 2 PM Phone 918-807-6093 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Mark Goad Frank Freeman Kay Bills 3. Invocation 4. Agenda (Review and Approval) 5. Minutes: January 16, 2019 6. Financial Report – Treasurer Approval of financials reports for October, November, December 7. Old Business: a) Moss Adams Audit b)
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Osage Nation Law Building, Room 206 11:30AM Thursday, December 14, 2017 AGENDA Call to Order: Roll Call: Old Business New Business Election of Officers Approval of Resolutions designating person/persons authorized to sign checks Adjournment:
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Conference Call Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 11:00 AM AGENDA Call to Order Invocation Roll Call Jim R. Parris, Chair Kay Martin, Deputy Chair Patsy Stuke, Treasurer Review and approval of minutes from December 14, 2017 CEO Report: Kelly Corbin Financial Report: Kelly Corbin Old Business: New Business Discuss and possible action for amendments to Osage LLC Articles of
Osage, LLC Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Conference Call: (918) 807-6093 Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 10:00 AM (CST) AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Jim Parris, Chairman Kay Martin, Vice-Chair Patsy Stuke, Treasurer Megan Cruz 1. Invocation 2. Agenda (Review and Approval) 3. Minutes: . December 21, 2017 4. Reports: A. CEO Report – Kelly Corbin i. Review of Contract Status: 1. Construction (OPDG d/b/a