Legislation Documents


FY22 Bills

ONCA 22-07

An Act to amend ONCA 21-98 to authorize and appropriate the amount of ninety two thousand twelve dollars ($92,012) to the Elder Nutrition Programs in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 22-06

An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of four million dollars ($4,000,000) to the Capital Asset Fund of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the purchase of land, design, engineering, and land purchase for an assisted living facility; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Pratt)

ONCA 22-05

An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to the Executive Branch of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the purchase and installation of natural gas generators for each of the three Villages, Grayhorse, Hominy and Pawhuska; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 22-04

An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of seven million two hundred ninety four thousand five hundred fifty six dollars ($7,294,556) to the Wah-Zha-Zhe Health Center in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 22-03

An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of eight hundred fifty seven thousand eight hundred nineteen dollars ($857,819) to the Executive Branch in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; and to establish an alternate effective date.  

ONCA 22-02

An Act to amend 15 ONC § 18-101 to establish Juneteenth as an official holiday of the Osage Nation in law and to remove unnecessary language; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 22-01

An Act to authorize and appropriate six hundred twenty six thousand one hundred eighty dollars ($626,180) to Head Start and the Matching Grant Fund for Head Start; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

FY22 Resolutions

ONCR 23-01

A Resolution to approve the Office Fiscal Performance and Review annual audit plan for fiscal year 2023 submitted by Moss Adams. 

ONCR 22-17

A Resolution to support the repeal of HB 1775 by the Oklahoma Legislature at its next legislative session for the benefit of the school districts of Oklahoma. 

ONCR 22-16

A Resolution to approve the bylaws of the Place To Borrow Money public purpose corporation in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation.

ONCR 22-15

A Resolution to approve a revised fiscal year 2022 Annual Revenue Projection of the Osage Nation.

ONCR 22-14

A Resolution to support the Osage Nation participation in the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Office of Justice Services’ court assessment program.

ONCR 22-13

A Resolution declaring Congressional consent and approval of the Si-Si A-Pe-Txa Board's Annual Plan of Operation for fiscal year 2023. 

ONCR 22-12

A Resolution to request the placement of fee lands into trust by the Secretary of the Interior.  

ONCR 22-11

A Resolution to revise and approve the fiscal year 2023 Annual Revenue Projection of the Osage Nation.

ONCR 22-10

A Resolution to authorize a limited waiver of immunity from suit with P3 for a professional services contact to assist with the Enhanced Tribal Card (ETC) project.

ONCR 22-09

A Resolution to authorize the Principal Chief of the Osage Nation to execute real property leases and right-of-way easements on restricted Indian lands and trust lands on behalf of the Osage Nation through October 1, 2023.  

ONCR 22-08

Resolution to set the compensation allowance for the Boards and Commissions of the Osage Nation for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.

ONCR 22-07

A Resolution declaring Congressional consent and approval of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board's Annual Plan of Operations for fiscal year 2023.

ONCR 22-06

A Resolution to authorize the Principal Chief of the Osage Nation to enter into and execute a Tribal Council Member Agreement with the U.S. Social Security Administration to allow the Osage Nation to extend Social Security and Medicare coverage to members of the Osage Nation Congress.

ONCR 22-05

A Resolution to approve a fiscal year 2023 Annual Revenue Projection of the Osage Nation. 

ONCR 22-04

A Resolution to approve a revised fiscal year 2022 Annual Revenue Projection of the Osage Nation.

ONCR 22-03

A Resolution to approve amendments to the Articles of Operation for the limited liability company, Osage, LLC.

FY21, FY22

FY21, FY22 Bills

ONCA 21-90

An Act to establish a revolving fund for COVID-19 vaccination incentive payments; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 21-89

An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to the COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 21-31

An act to establish a structural and procedural framework for a new Osage Nation Health Care System; and to provide an effective date. 

ONCA 21-30

An Act to amend 15 ONC § 5-102 to amend the definition of Health Board; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 21-114

An Act to amend the Osage Nation Cultural Preservation Act in order to add definitions and vest all cultural preservation regulatory authority in the Historic Preservation Office. 

ONCA 21-112

An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of seven million nine hundred thirty thousand seven hundred forty dollars ($7,930,740) to the Executive Branch of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds for the continuation and completion of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act projects; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 21-109

An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of two million dollars ($2,000,000) of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to the Capital Assed Fund for a new COVID compliant Judicial building; and to establish an alternate effective date.