Legislation Documents
ONCA 11-62
An Act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Act ONCA 10-97; to provide an appropriation modification to the Housing Department NAHASDA; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-61
An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-60
An Act to establish a Commission to study and recommend a plan to create senior activity facilities in Hominy and Fairfax; and to declare an emergency and set an effective date.
ONCA 11-59 Original
An Act to amend ONCA 10-85, the Osage Nation Workforce Pay for Performance Act, to change the qualification requirements for the position of Director of Human Resources; and to establish an alternate effective date.
An Act to establish a notice period, amendment limitations and legislation requirements for special sessions of the Osage Nation Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards)
ONCA 11-57 Withdrawn
An Act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Act ONCA 10-97; to provide a supplemental appropriation to Crisis Assistance in the amount of sixty two thousand nine hundred twenty seven dollars ($62.927); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-56
An Act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Act ONCA 10-97; to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Housing Department NAHASDA in the amount of eighty nine thousand four hundred eighty three dollars ($89,483); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-55 Original
An Act to encourage the purchase of real estate within the Osage Reservation; to place restrictions on expenditures for real estate investment as part of the Treasurer's investment plan; to require appraisals prior to real estate investment; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-54
An Act to establish the Office of the Secretary of the Osage Nation.
ONCA 11-53
An Act to amend ONCA 08-16 to correct a reference to the plan document; to provide seniors over sixty-five (65) up to one thousand ($1000) in health plan benefits per calendar year if approved by resolution of the Osage Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-52
An Act to establish a fund to satisfy semi-annual requests from regional Osage membership organizations outside the physical boundaries of the Osage Nation to help offset meeting room rental and audio visual equipment rental; to authorize and appropriate a total amount of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000); and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-51 Failed Congress
An Act to authorize the Osage Nation Treasurer to establish the Osage Tribe Annuitant Non-Mineral Estate Distribution Account; authorizing the Treasurer to audit accounts to determine the amount of funds generated by Kansas Real Property deeded to the Osage Nation for benefit of the Osage Tribe Annuitants; to segregate those funds and deposit them into the Osage Tribe Annuitant Non-Mineral Estate Distribution Account and report to the Osage Congress in writing; to authorize the Treasurer to request technical assistance of the secretary of the Interior to identify the Osage Tribe Annuitants; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-50
An Act to authorize an additional two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to the Osage County Industrial Authority for construction and operation of a Pawhuska Economic Development Center; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-49
An Act to amend ONCA 06-10, "Osage Nation Revenue and Taxation Act of 2006, As Amended," to remove the "Fuel Tax" Chapter and insert a chapter for taxation and registration of boats and motors; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-48
An Act to establish a one time community matching grant for a maximum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per community; to authorize and appropriate a total grant amount of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000); and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-47
An Act to provide for a fair and sustainable method of supplemental funding for Emergency Services within the boundaries of the Osage Nation.
Osage Nation Targeted Services Support Act
ONCA 11-46 Withdrawn
An Act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Act ONCA 10-97; to provide an appropriation modification to Osage News; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-45
An Act to amend ONCA 07-24 to authorize subordinate personnel; to make the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and subordinate employees subject to the merit based employment system; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-44
An Act to provide an appropriation for Fiscal Year 2012 to specific departments and programs in the area of Education which receive state and federal funding; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-43
An Act to enact a sex offender registration system; to amend the criminal code to accommodate the sex offender registry; to provide penalties for violations of this Act; to approve sex offender registration forms; and to declare an alternate effective date.
Osage Nation Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act
ONCA 11-42
An Act to authorize and appropriate forty thousand ($40,000) to the Legislative Branch for codification of laws; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-41
An Act to amend or replace Osage Nation Codes formerly approved by the former Tribal Council of the Osage Tribe to make them consistent with the current constitutional form of government adopted by the Osage People; to make laws ready for codification; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-40
An Act to govern the conduct of Osage Nation elections, including elections for Principal Chief, Assistant Principal Chief, Congress, elections for the retention of Judges of the Osage Judiciary, and other elections required by the Constitution by law.
ONCA 11-39
An Act to provide an appropriation for Fiscal Year 2012 to specific departments and programs in the area of Health and Social Services which receive state and federal funding; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-38
An Act to amend the Osage Nation Open Meetings Act, ONCA 07-53 to change the definition of "meeting" to allow proprietary business matters and gaming licensure matters to be discussed in executive session; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-37
An Act to provide an appropriation for Fiscal Year 2012 to specific departments and programs in the area of Government Operations which receive federal funding; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-36
An Act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Acts ONCA 10-95, ONCA 10-97 and ONCA 11-04; to provide a supplemental appropriation or appropriation modification to specific programs in the area of Government Operations; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-35
An Act to provide an appropriation for Fiscal Year 2011 to specific programs in the area of Health and Social Services; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-34
An Act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Act ONCA 10-97; to provide a supplemental appropriation or appropriation modification to specific programs in the area of Health and Social Services; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-33 Vetoed
An Act to provide a technical amendment ONCA 06-10, as amended, "Osage Nation Revenue and Taxation Act of 2006" making it consistent with the purpose of providing simple, fair, straightforward and efficient procedures for the levy and collection of certain taxes; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.