Legislation Documents
ONCA 11-32
An Act to establish parameters, and limitations for the budget of the Osage Nation; to repeal ONCA 09-11 and amendments thereto, and to declare an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-31
An Act to provide for the design and construction of community safe rooms in areas where members and employees of the Osage Nation live, work, and assemble for cultural activities; and to establish an alternate effective date.
Osage Nation Storm Safety Act
ONCA 11-30
An Act to provide for preference in Osage Nation Employment to Members of the Osage Nation; to provide compliance and penalties for violations; and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-29
An Act to amend ONCA 10-79, "An Act to Improve Congressional Oversight of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise," to Prohibit Conflict of Interest by the Enterprise Directly Funding the Surveillance Department of the Osage Gaming Commission; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-28
An Act to establish uniform time calculations applicable to deadlines referenced in the Osage Constitution and laws; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-27
An Act to establish a fair minimum wage for employees of the Osage Nation; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-26
An Act to amend ONCA 08-07 to stagger the terms of the Editorial Board; to insert staff protection provisions; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-25
An Act to amend ONCA 10-99; to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Executive Branch for land into trust application and completion costs in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-24
An Act to provide a modification and a supplemental appropriation to the Gaming Commission in the amount of twenty four thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($24,750): to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-23
An Act to provide an appropriation to the Osage Nation v. Thomas E. Kemp, Jr. et al. Litigation Fund in the amount of one hundred eleven thousand eight hundred dollars; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-22
An Act to amend ONCA 10-97; to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Housing Department NAHASDA program in the amount of thirty two thousand eight hundred seventy five dollars ($32,875); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-21 Failed Congress
An Act to establish a Pay for Performance system of compensation; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-20 Failed Congress
An Act to establish a merit based system of employment to include a grievance system and to address nepotism; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-19
An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of one million four hundred twenty six thousand dollars ($1,426,000) to the Osage Nation Health Claims Fund; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-18
An Act to amend ONCA 10-79, "An Act to Improve Congressional Oversight of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise"; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date. (Standing Bear)
ONCA 11-17
An Act to amend ONCA 10-95; to provide an appropriation modification to the Gaming Enterprise Board; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-16
An Act to amend ONCA 10-97; to provide a supplemental appropriation to Historic Preservation in the amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-15
An Act to amend ONCA 10-97; to provide a supplemental appropriation in the amount of one thousand seventy eight dollars ($1,078) and an appropriation modification to Constituent Services; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-14 Enacted
An Act to amend ONCA 10-97; to provide appropriation modifications to Child Support Services; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-14
An Act to amend ONCA 10-97; to provide appropriation modifications to Child Support Service; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-130 Withdrawn
An Act to provide an appropriation to the Properties Department for Hulah Lake Park for fiscal year 2012; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-13
An Act to amend the Osage Nation Ethics Law, ONCA 08-33 to insert a definition for Attorney General and use the term throughout the bill; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-129
An act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Act ONCA 10-97; to provide an appropriation modification to the Breast Feeding-Peer Counseling Program, Child Care Department, Farmers' Market, and the Senior Farmer's market; to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-127
An act to authorize and appropriate three million dollars ($3,000,000) to the Health Benefit Fund; to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards)
ONCA 11-126 Vetoed
An Act to create the Division of Health, Fitness and Wellness Services within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel and; to require annual reporting to the Osage Nation Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-125 Vetoed
An Act to create the Division of Child, Family and Senior Community Services within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel and; to require annual reporting to the Osage Nation Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-124 Vetoed
An Act to create the Division of Education and Early Childhood Learning within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel and; to require annual reporting to the Osage Nation Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-123 Vetoed
An Act to amend ONCA 06-02, as amended; to require the Treasurer to report the projected revenue for the upcoming fiscal year by April 1st of each year; to define projected revenue; to remove authority of the Treasurer to choose the independent auditor to be submitted to Congress for approval; and to establish an alternate effective date.
FY11, FY12
ONCA 11-131
An act to establish a one-time economic development matching grant for a maximum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per individual entrepreneur or business entity; to authorize and appropriate a total grant amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000); and to provide an alternate effective date. (Shackelford)
ONCA 11-128
An act to create the Division of Administrative Services within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel and to establish an alternate effective date.