Legislation Documents


FY11 Bills

ONCA 11-04

An Act to provide an appropriation to the Office of the Attorney General for Fiscal Year 2011; and to establish an alternate effective date.  

ONCA 11-03

An act to authorize and appropriate forty thousand dollars ($40,000) to the Osage Nation Executive Branch for purchase of specific real property; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 11-02 Original

An Act to amend ONCA 07-30 at Section 5 to provide for protections to the Osage Nation on legal matters of Osage Gaming; and to provide an alternate effective date.

ONCA 11-01

An Act to establish uniform standards for Boards and Commissions, and other advisory entities of the Osage Nation; and to supercede any law conflicting with this Act.  

Business, Commission, and Advisory Boards Act

FY11 Resolutions

ONCR 11-22

A Resolution to approve the proposed settlement of litigation against the U.S. relating to the Osage Mineral Estate; and to authorize the Principal Chief and the Speaker of the Congress to execute the settlement agreement. (Branstetter)

ONCR 11-21

A Resolution to set the compensation and reimbursement allowance for the Boards and Commissions of the Osage Nation. 

ONCR 11-20

A resolution declaring Congressional consent and approval of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board's Annual Plan of Operation for fiscal year 2012.

ONCR 11-19

A Resolution to approve the Osage Nation Election Board rules and regulations governing elections in accordance with the Osage Nation Election Code. 

ONCR 11-18

A Resolution to approve regulations governing the membership application process, membership card issuance process, relinquishment of membership and correspondence about membership status with other governments.  

ONCR 11-17 Original

A Resolution Commending Former Congressmen Freeman on his 91st birthday and thanking him for his many contributions to the Osage Nation and the United States of America; and directing distribution.

ONCR 11-16 Vetoed

A Resolution approving the Financial Management Plan and Investment Strategy of the Osage Nation proposed by the former Treasurer.

ONCR 11-15

A Resolution to request the Principal Chief and the Health Advisory Board to formulate a request for appropriation for a professional study of the needs of Osage Elders throughout the United States. 

ONCR 11-13 Enacted

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XIII of the Constitution of the Osage Nation pertaining to election codes under the Osage Constitution.

ONCR 11-13

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XIII of the Constitution for the Osage Nation pertaining to election codes under the Osage Constitution. 

ONCR 11-11 Enacted

A Resolution to authorize the Treasurer of the Osage Nation to set the maximum benefit to the Health Benefit Plan participants over the age of sixty-five (65) at one thousand dollars ($1,000).

ONCR 11-11

A Resolution to authorize the Treasurer of the Osage Nation to set the maximum benefit to the Health Benefit Plan participants over the age of sixty-five (65) at one thousand dollars ($1,000).

ONCR 11-10 Constitutional Amendment

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article VII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.

ONCR 11-10

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article VII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation. 

ONCR 11-09 Withdrawn

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Articles III, VI, VII, VIII, XIII and XV of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to change "membership" to "citizenship", and to change "eligibility for membership" to "right to citizenship".

ONCR 11-08

A Resolution to support and authorize the execution of an intergovernmental Motor Fuel Contract with the State of Oklahoma; and to authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity.

ONCR 11-05

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article IV, Section 3(G) of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.

ONCR 11-04 Original

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article VI, Section 12 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.

ONCR 11-03

A resolution to confirm and clarify the request for placement of fee lands into Trust by the Secretary of the Interior for the purpose of gaming pursuant to Osage Nation Congress Resolution ONCR 09-05.


A resolution to approve the amended legal description of the land near Tulsa, Oklahoma that the Nation seeks to have placed into trust and confirm the request to the Secretary of the Interior to take the Tulsa Tract into trust status using the amended legal description of the property. 

FY10, FY11

FY10, FY11 Bills

ONCA 10-90

An Act to establish the Cultural Preservation, Arts, Heritage and Language Division within the Executive branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to require annual reporting to the Osage Nation Congress; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date. 

Osage Nation Language, Art, Culture, & Heritage Division Organization Act

ONCA 10-87

An Act to create the Division of Lands, Commerce and Public Safety within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel.

ONCA 10-79

An Act To Amend ONCA 07-30, as amended, at Section 5 to improve Congressional Oversight of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise; and to provide an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 10-73

An act to amend the Osage Nation Gaming Law by establishing three (3) Commissioners on the Gaming Commission; to establish a Commissioner Director within the Gaming Commission.  

FY11, FY12

FY11, FY12 Resolutions

ONCR 11-14

A resolution to provide for an election to amend Articles XV of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to delete the existing language in its entirety and to replace Article XV with language on recognizing the authority of the Osage Minerals Council to Manage the Osage Minerals Estate. 

ONCR 11-12

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article VII of the Constitution of the Osage Nation on composition of the Executive Branch to exclude the Osage Minerals Council.