Legislation Documents


FY09 Bills

ONCA 09-40

An act to provide an appropriation to the Grayhorse Village Five-Man Board for construction and furnishing a funeral chapel in the amount of two hundred fifty nine thousand twenty seven dollars ($259,027); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.  

ONCA 09-39

An act to provide an appropriation to the Hominy Village Five-Man Board for construction and furnishing a funeral chapel in the amount of two hundred fifty nine thousand twenty seven dollars ($259,027); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.  

ONCA 09-38

An Act to provide for the establishment of strategic planning and performance measurement in the Osage Nation Executive divisions, departments and programs to authorize and provide an appropriation; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.

ONCA 09-37

An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs appropriation act", ONCA 08-43, to provide for an appropriation modification to the Historic Preservation Office by shifting revenue funds from Federal Funding to the line item of Tribal Funding; to declare an emergency and to establish an effective date. 

ONCA 09-36

An act to amend the Osage Nation Election Code, ONCA 08-27.

ONCA 09-35

An act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date.  

ONCA 09-34

An Act to create the Division of Natural Resources, Properties, and Public Safety within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel and; to require annual reporting to the Osage Nation Congress.

ONCA 09-32

An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs appropriation act", ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Museum/Library in the amount of forty four thousand eight hundred forty four dollars ($44,844); to declare an emergency and to establish an effective date. 

ONCA 09-31

An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs appropriation act', ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Food Distribution Program in the amount of fifteen thousand eight hundred thirty-one dollars ($15,831); to declare an emergency and to establish an effective date.

ONCA 09-30

An Act to protect the rights of the Osage Nation officials and employees afforded by Article IV, Section 3 of the Osage Nation Constitution; to grant the Osage Nation Courts jurisdiction; and to provide an alternate effective date.  

Speak What’s on Your Mind Act 

ONCA 09-29

An act to amend the “Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act”, ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Food Distribution Program in the amount of fifteen thousand eight hundred thirty one dollars ($15,831); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.  

ONCA 09-28

An Act to provide for the establishment of a free press for the Osage Nation; to authorize and provide for recurring funds for the next two years to the Osage Nation Foundation for the benefit of a Tribally incorporated independent non-profit organization under which the Osage News is organized; and to declare an emergency and establish an effective date. 

ONCA 09-27

An act to amend the “Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act”, ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the ENR (GAP) Department in the amount of thirteen thousand six hundred forty five dollars ($13,645); to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.  

ONCA 09-26

An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs appropriation Act", ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the ENR (Pesticides) Department in the amount of sixteen thousand five hundred dollars ($16,500); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date. 

ONCA 09-25

An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriations Act", ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the ENR (UIC) Department in the amount of nine thousand forty three dollars (9,043); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.

ONCA 09-24

An act to amend the “Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act”, ONCA 08-43, to provide an appropriation modification and a supplemental appropriation to the Child Care Department in the amount of five thousand forty dollars ($5,040); and establish an effective date.  

ONCA 09-23

An act to amend the “Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act”, ONCA 08-43, to provide an appropriation modification to Family Preservation by shifting existing funds to the new line item of Specific Individual Assistance; to declare an emergency; and establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 09-22

An act to amend the “Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act”, ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to Barnsdall Building Blocks in the amount of forty one thousand eight hundred twenty nine dollars ($41,829); to declare an emergency; and establish an alternate effective date.  

ONCA 09-21

An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriations Act", ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Clinical/Medical Services Program in the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000); to declare an emergency and to establish an effective date. (Red Corn)

ONCA 09-20

An act to amend the “Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act”, ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to Properties in the amount of thirty two thousand one hundred fourteen dollars ($32,114); to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date  

ONCA 09-18

An act to amend the “Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act”, ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to Law Enforcement in the amount of thirty seven thousand eight hundred fifty three dollars ($37,853); to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.  

ONCA 09-17

An Act to amend "Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Department and Programs appropriation act", ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the IDC/Human Resources Department in the amount of three hundred seventy dollars ($370); to declare an emergency and establish an effective date. (Branstetter)

ONCA 09-16

An Act to establish an Office of the Attorney General to provide necessary legal services to and on behalf of the Osage Nation and their officials and employees while acting in their official capacity; to authorize the election of the Attorney General and define the responsibilities and duties thereof.

ONCA 09-15

An act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2009 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act", ONCA 08-43, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the ENR (Water) Department in the amount of thirty five thousand seven hundred eighty seven dollars ($35, 787); to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.

ONCA 09-14

An act to amend the Office of Fiscal and Performance Review bill, ONCA 07-06 as amended; and to establish an alternate effective date. 

ONCA 09-12

An Act to authorize and appropriate two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to the Osage County Industrial Authority for establishment, construction and operation of a Pawhuska Economic Development Center; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.

ONCA 09-11

An Act to establish parameters and limitations for the 2010 fiscal  year budget of the Osage Nation; and to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.  

FY 2010 Budget Parameter and Limitation Act 

ONCA 09-10

An Act to amend the Osage Nation Housing Code; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.  

ONCA 09-09

An Act to establish a procedure for the approval, distribution and maintenance of all per capita payments.

FY09, FY10

FY09, FY10 Bills

ONCA 09-33

An Act to create the Division of Administrative Services within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel; and to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.  

Osage Nation Administrative Services Division Organization Act