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ONCA 10-02 10/14/2009 FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 TziZho, First Osage Nation Congress - 20th Special Session An act to amend ONCA 07-30, to remove the Gaming Enterprise Board Budget from the Annual Plan; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-107 09/29/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An act to amend the Osage Nation Office of the Attorney General Act, ONCA 10-84; to authorize the Attorney General to contract and enter into agreements for goods and services within the annual appropriation; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-106 04/16/2012 FY11, FY12 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho, Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah An act to establish a matching grant for artists and art organizations up to a maximum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per grant; to authorize the Osage Nation Foundation to review applications and determine grant recipients, and to administer the grant funds; to appropriate a total grant
ONCA 11-105 09/30/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to amend ONCA 11-30, The Osage Preference in Employment Law, to include contracting as part of the preference; to remove the reference to an employment rights office; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-103 09/29/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act amend the Gaming Reform Act of 2007, ONCA 07-30; to increase the number of Board members from three (3) to five (5); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-101 09/27/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to establish a revolving fund to satisfy semi-annual requests from regional Osage membership organizations to help offset meeting room rental and audio visual equipment rental; to authorize and appropriate a total amount of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000); and to provide an alternate
ONCA 11-100 09/27/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to amend the Business, Commission and Advisory Boards Act, ONCA 11-01; to require select Boards to be bonded; to require all boards to submit meeting minutes to the Osage Nation Congress and the Principal Chief; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-99 09/30/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation for the Boards and Commissions of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2012 for merit adjustments and bonuses; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-98 09/30/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation for the Cultural departments and programs of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2012 for merit adjustments and bonuses; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-97 09/29/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Judicial Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2012 for merit adjustments and bonuses; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-96 09/29/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Legislative Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2012 for merit adjustments and bonuses; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-95 09/30/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Executive Branch Departments and Programs of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2012 merit adjustments and bonuses; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.