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ONCA 11-66 06/15/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - 8th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 10-95; to provide an appropriation to the Osage Nation Foundation Board; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCR 09-15 10/22/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 TziZho, First Osage Nation Congress - 20th Special Session A resolution declaring Congressional consent and approval of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board's Annual Plan of Operation in part for Fiscal Year 2010.
ONCR 09-05 04/03/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 HunKah A resolution to request the placement of fee lands into Trust by the Secretary of the Interior for the purpose of Gaming.
ONCR 09-04 04/01/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 HunKah A resolution to establish a deadline for the Executive Branch to provide the fiscal year 2010 budget request to Congress.
ONCR 09-03 04/14/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 HunKah A resolution to consent to the transfer and conveyance of certain real property and business assets to Osage, LLC, a limited liability company wholly owned by the Osage Nation
ONCR 09-02 05/26/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 HunKah A resolution to express the will and intent of the Osage Congress to the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation regarding the appointment of an Election Board.
ONCR 09-01 12/04/2008 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - 16th Special Session A resolution to support the execution of an inter-governmental Tobacco Tax Compact between the Osage Nation and the State of Oklahoma and authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity therein.
ONCA 11-65 09/27/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 HunKah, Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho An Act to amend the Osage Nation Office of the Attorney General Act, ONCA 10-84 to make Attorney General opinions persuasive but not binding; to allow only the Chief and the Congress or its committees to request Attorney General opinions; to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-63 04/15/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 HunKah An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution, for purchase of real property and investment in "The American" statue project; and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCA 11-62 04/15/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 HunKah An Act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Act ONCA 10-97; to provide an appropriation modification to the Housing Department NAHASDA; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 11-61 04/15/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 HunKah An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCA 09-77 04/14/2010 FY09, FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 TziZho, First Osage Nation Congress - FY10 HunKah An act to provide to the limited liability company, Osage LLC, for a capital contribution; and to establish an alternate effective date.