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ONCA 23-71 06/29/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 6th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 22-03 to provide a supplemental appropriation in the amount of one hundred forty thousand two hundred thirty six dollars ($140,236); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-70 06/29/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 6th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-95 to authorize an appropriation modification and a supplemental appropriation to the Executive Branch in Non-Tribal funds reducing the overall amount by ninety nine thousand eight hundred seven dollars ($99,807); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-69 06/29/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 6th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-73 to provide an appropriation modification to the Executive Branch in Non-Tribal funds reducing the overall appropriation by the amount of forty nine thousand one hundred fifty three dollars ($49,153); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-68 06/29/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 6th Special Session An Act to provide an appropriation of Non-Tribal funds to the Executive Branch in the amount of two hundred seventy three thousand nine hundred thirty four dollars ($273,934); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-67 06/29/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 6th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 22-95 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Executive Branch in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-66 06/29/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 6th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 22-94 to provide appropriation modifications and supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in the amount of one million five hundred forty two thousand eight hundred thirty dollars ($1,540,830) of Non-Tribal funds; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCR 23-13 04/24/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session A Resolution to revise and approve the fiscal year 2023 Annual Revenue Projection of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 23-12 04/24/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session A Resolution to approve a fiscal year 2024 Annual Revenue Projection of the Osage Nation.
ONCA 23-65 04/24/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session An Act to authorize two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) of residual assets in the Capital Asset Fund to the Cultural Center for a fire suppression system; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-63 04/20/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session An Act to amend 15 ONC § 1A-108 to exempt non-tribal funds from a limitation; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-64 04/21/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session An Act to create a budget impoundment process; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-62 04/18/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session An Act to amend ONCA 22-14 to provide a supplemental appropriation in the amount of six hundred fifteen thousand nine hundred eight dollars ($615,908) in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to the Executive Branch for the CARES Continuation projects for the Harvest Land and Butcher House; and to