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ONCA 23-30 03/27/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 1st Special Session An Act to amend the Open Records Act at 15 ONC §8-102 to include Congressional subpoenas after they have been served and filed; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-29 03/27/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 1st Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 22-94 to provide supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in the amount of three million six hundred two thousand five hundred sixty three dollars ($3,602,563) of Non-Tribal funds; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-28 04/05/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-73 to authorize supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in Non-Tribal funds in the amount of one hundred forty four thousand one hundred fifty one dollars ($144,151); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Revard)
ONCA 23-27 03/27/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session An Act to appropriate the amount of seven hundred thousand dollars ($700,000) to Osage, LLC for fencing at the heliport; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCR 23-08 03/27/2023 FY23 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY22 HunKah A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article VII, Section 15 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to make interim appointments expire thirty (30) days after appointment unless confirmed in special session or regular session.
ONCA 23-26 04/05/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 HunKah Session An Act to amend ONCA 22-03 to provide a supplemental appropriation in the amount of thirty two thousand five hundred fifty nine dollars ($32,559); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-25 03/27/2023 FY23 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY22 HunKah An Act to amend ONCA 22-95 to provide a supplemental appropriation in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for the Kihekah Steh Club; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-24 03/27/2023 FY23 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY22 HunKah An Act to repeal ONCA 22-06; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-23 03/27/2023 FY23 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY22 HunKah An Act to amend ONCA 21-78 to join the appropriations for an assisted living facility in one bill; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 23-22 03/27/2023 FY23 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY22 HunKah An Act to provide for a secondary preference in employment to persons of Osage descent who are not members of the Osage Nation; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCR 23-07 03/27/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 2nd Special Session A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article VII, Section 15 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to allow appointments to be confirmed in the special session.
ONCA 23-21 01/17/2023 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 5th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-52 to reduce the appropriation by five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000); and to establish an alternate effective date.