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ONCA 22-90 09/23/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session An Act to amend the Osage Nation Health Benefit Act at 16 ONC § 3-105 and 3-106 to allow benefits to accrue on a limited basis; to remove the enrollment period; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-89 09/06/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to the Disability Assistance Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-88 09/06/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session An Act to establish a revolving fund in the Treasury for medical disability assistance; to authorize expenditures out of the fund; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-87 09/21/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session An Act to place limitations on the campaign donations to candidates running for an elected office of the Osage Nation.
ONCA 22-86 09/27/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session An Act to authorize and appropriate the additional amount of two million nine hundred seventy nine thousand seven hundred thirty six dollars ($2,979,736) of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to the Executive Branch for an adult male and female Primary Residential Treatment (PRT) facility, an
ONCA 22-85 09/27/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session An Act to authorize the IDC Departments to expend monies appropriated the FY2023 appropriations bills; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-84 09/26/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session An Act to provide an appropriation to Tribal Works for fiscal year 2023 in the amount of one million nine hundred three thousand three hundred ninety three dollars ($2,903,393); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCR 22-09 09/27/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session A Resolution to authorize the Principal Chief of the Osage Nation to execute real property leases and right-of-way easements on restricted Indian lands and trust lands on behalf of the Osage Nation through October 1, 2023.
ONCR 22-08 09/27/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session Resolution to set the compensation allowance for the Boards and Commissions of the Osage Nation for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
ONCR 22-07 09/30/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session A Resolution declaring Congressional consent and approval of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board's Annual Plan of Operations for fiscal year 2023.
ONCR 22-06 09/06/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session A Resolution to authorize the Principal Chief of the Osage Nation to enter into and execute a Tribal Council Member Agreement with the U.S. Social Security Administration to allow the Osage Nation to extend Social Security and Medicare coverage to members of the Osage Nation Congress.
ONCA 22-83 09/27/2022 FY22 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY22 TziZho Session An Act to authorize and appropriate one million dollars ($1,000,000) to the Permanent Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date.