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ONCA 22-13 11/01/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-98 to authorize appropriation modifications and supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in the amount of one hundred sixty one thousand three hundred thirty five dollars ($161,335); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-12 11/01/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-95 to authorize appropriation modifications and supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in non-Tribal funds in the amount of one million one hundred ten thousand two hundred sixty eight dollars ($1,110,268); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-11 11/01/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-95 to authorize appropriation modifications and supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in non-Tribal funds in the amount of one million one hundred ten thousand two hundred sixty eight dollars ($1,110,268); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-09 10/27/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-78 to clarify the intent of the appropriation; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-08 10/28/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of four million two hundred thirty one thousand two hundred fifty eight dollars ($4,231,258) to the Executive Branch for COVID-related eligible health outdoor activities in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds from the Bureau of Indian Affairs aid to
ONCA 22-07 10/28/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to amend ONCA 21-98 to authorize and appropriate the amount of ninety two thousand twelve dollars ($92,012) to the Elder Nutrition Programs in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-06 10/27/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of four million dollars ($4,000,000) to the Capital Asset Fund of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the purchase of land, design, engineering, and land purchase for an assisted living facility; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-05 11/01/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to the Executive Branch of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the purchase and installation of natural gas generators for each of the three Villages, Grayhorse, Hominy and Pawhuska; and to
ONCA 22-04 11/01/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of seven million two hundred ninety four thousand five hundred fifty six dollars ($7,294,556) to the Wah-Zha-Zhe Health Center in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-03 11/01/2021 FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of eight hundred fifty seven thousand eight hundred nineteen dollars ($857,819) to the Executive Branch in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 22-02 11/01/2021 FY22 Fifth Osage Nation Congress - 11th Special Session An Act to amend 15 ONC § 18-101 to establish Juneteenth as an official holiday of the Osage Nation in law and to remove unnecessary language; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCR 21-20 10/29/2021 FY21, FY22 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho A Resolution to approve the Osage nation Election Board Rules and regulations governing elections in accordance with Osage Nation Election Code.