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ONCA 21-98 09/30/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation for Fiscal Year 2022 in the amount of forty five million nine hundred twenty two thousand three hundred fifty seven dollars ($45,922,357); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-99 09/30/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to authorize and appropriate forty thousand dollars ($40,000) to the Executive Branch for fencing around an Osage Nation Cemetery; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-101 09/10/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to designate Osage Nation Ranch, LLC as a subsidiary limited liability company of Osage, LLC pursuant to the Limited Liability Companies Act, as the sole member of both entities.
ONCA 21-102 09/30/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to authorize and appropriate twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to the Court Appointed Special Advocates of Osage and Pawnee Counties as a grant to benefit members of the Osage Nation and the community; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-103 09/07/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to amend 26 ONC § 11-102 to exempt elders and veterans from the Osage lodging tax; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-104 09/28/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to authorize and appropriate one hundred eighty thousand dollars ($180,000) to the Osage Nation Foundation to be administered and distributed as donations and arts matching grants; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-105 09/30/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to amend the Osage Nation Health Benefit Act at 16 ONC § 3/107 to include payment of Medigap Plan F and Part D deductibles; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-106 09/07/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to amend 11 ONC § 4-102 of the Higher Education Scholarship Fund to increase the amount per credit hour at research universities; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-107 09/07/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to authorize and appropriate ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to the Regional Gathering Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-111 09/24/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Judicial Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2022 in the amount of eight hundred nineteen thousand five hundred fifty four dollars ($819,554); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-110 09/24/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to appropriate non-Tribal funds to the Judicial Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2022 in the amount of one hundred eight thousand seven hundred ninety one dollars ($108,791); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 21-108 09/27/2021 FY21 Seventh Osage Nation Congress - FY21 TziZho An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to the Executive Branch to assist the Native American Churches within the territorial boundaries of the Osage Nation; and to establish an alternate effective date.