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ONCA 15-89 REFERRED TO HEALTH 9-8-15 09/08/2015 FY15

An Act to establish the summer program to introduce Osages to careers in the health industry at an early age; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)

ONCA 15-77 REFERRED TO APPROPRIATIONS 9-8-15 09/08/2015 FY15

An Act to repeal and replace the Budget Parameter and Limitation Act, enacted last under ONCA 13-67; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Jech)

ONCA 15-76 REFERRED TO COMMITTEE 9-8-15 09/08/2015 FY15

An Act to govern the conduct of Osage Nation Elections, including elections for Principal Chief, Assistant Principal Chief, Osage Nation Congress, elections for the retention of Judges of the Judiciary, and other elections required by the Constitution and by law; and to establish an alternate

ONCA 15-73 ENACTED 07/20/2015 FY15

An Act to amend ONCA 14-72 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Education and Early Childhood Services for fiscal year 2015 in the amount of one hundred ninety five thousand eight hundred ninety six dollars ($195,896); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Buffalohead)

ONCA 15-72 ENACTED 07/16/2015 FY15

An Act to provide an appropriation to the Health, Fitness and Wellness Division in the amount of six hundred sixty eight thousand nine hundred thirty eight dollars ($668,938) for Communities of Excellence Programs Operation Americorps, Ta-Wa Americorps and OKCAITHB Sub-Award for fiscal year 2016

ONCA 15-71 07/16/2015 FY15

An Act to provide an appropriation to the Child, Family and Senior Community Services Division in the amount of one hundred thousand six hundred eighty dollars ($100,680) for Victims of Crime Act Program for fiscal year 2016; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)


An Act to amend ONCA 14-70 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Child, Family and Senior Community Services for fiscal year 2015 in the amount of one hundred thirty three thousand six hundred seventy nine dollars ($133,679); to change the Division composition by including the

ONCA 15-69 EANCTED 07/20/2015 FY15

An Act to amend ONCA 14-76 to reduce the appropriation to the Health, Fitness and Wellness Division for fiscal year 2015 in the amount of thirty seven thousand four hundred sixty one dollars ($37,461); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)

ONCA 15-68 ENACTED 07/20/2015 FY15

An Act to amend ONCA 14-75 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Government Operations for fiscal year 2015 in the amount of forty three thousand dollars ($43,000); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Walker)

ONCA 15-67 ENACTED 07/20/2015 FY15

An Act to amend ONCA 14-71 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Cultural Preservation, Arts, Heritage and Language for fiscal year 2015 in the amount of five thousand one hundred seventy eight dollars ($5,178); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Buffalohead)

ONCA 15-66 ENACTED 07/17/2015 FY15

An Act to amend ONCA 14-77 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Land, Commerce and Public Safety for fiscal year 2015 in the amount of sixty nine thousand nine hundred forty three dollars ($69,943); and to establish an alternate effective date.(Buffalohead)

ONCA 15-65 ENACTED 07/17/2015 FY15

An Act to amend ONCA 14-67 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Osage Utility Authority Board for fiscal year 2015 in the amount of forty seven thousand nine hundred dollars ($47,900); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Buffalohead)