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ONCA 15-46 IN COMMITTEE 10/02/2015 FY16

An Act to set fiscal year 2016 General Appropriation, Direct Assistance, Land Acquisition, Capital Improvement and Permanent Fund spending limits. (Edwards)

ONCA 13-37 VETOED 04/23/2014 FY14

An Act to establish a new law for the disposal of Osage Nation surplus property; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCR 15-30 ENACTED 10/02/2015 FY16

A Resolution commending John Maker for the honor bestowed upon him by the Brotherhood of Muscal de Rivesaltes, Rivesaltes, France; and directing distribution.

ONCR 15-29 ENACTED 10/07/2015 FY16

A Resolution to express support for the submission of a budget by the Grayhorse Village Committee to either renovate and repair the Grayhorse Village Community Center, or to design and build a new Grayhorse Village Community Center in the Grayhorse Indian Village.

ONCR 15-28 ENACTED 10/07/2015 FY16

A Resolution to express support for the submission of a budget by the Hominy Village Committee to either renovate and repair the Hominy Village Community Center, or to design and build a new Hominy Village Community Center in the Hominy Indian Village.

ONCR 15-26 ENACTED 10/02/2015 FY16

A Resolution to express support for the Language Immersion program initiated by the Osage Nation, and to acknowledge the importance of language immersion programs to the future of our culture.

ONCR 15-25 ENACTED 09/21/2015 FY16

Resolution to adopt and approve the Osage Orthography developed by Herman "Mogri" Lookout and refined by the Osage Naiton Language Department.

ONCR 15-24 ENACTED 09/21/2015 FY16

A Resolution commending Herman "Mogri" Lookout for his leadership, dedication and service to the Osage People and the Osage Nation in preserving and passing on our language; and directing distribution.

ONCR 15-23 VETOED 10/02/2015 FY16

A Resolution to consent to the transfer and conveyance of assets of Osage, LLC to Tallgrass Economic Development, LLC, as limited liability companies wholly owned by the Osage Nation; to direct Osage, LLC to wind up its affairs; and to direct dissolution of the company.

ONCR 15-21 ENACTED 10/07/2015 FY16

A Resolution to set the compensation and reimbursement allowance for the Boards and Commissions of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2016 and fiscal year 2017.

ONCR 15-20 ENACTED 10/02/2015 FY16

A Resolution to authorize and approve execution of a "Contract for Treatment Services or Other Integrated Services-Fixed Rate FY16" with the State of Oklahoma-Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; and to authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity from suit and a consent to

ONCA 15-106 ENACTED 09/30/2015 FY16

An Act to authorize and appropriate continuing appropriations for the operation of unfunded Osage Nation government entities at the appropriation rates authorized for fiscal year 2015 until fiscal year 2016 appropriations are approved by the Chief or approved by veto override; to fund the Pawhuska