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ONCA 15-34, Failed Congress 04/24/2015 FY15

An Act to amend ONCA 14-71 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Cultural Preservation, Arts, Heritage and Language for fiscal year 2015 in the amount of fifty one thousand one hundred forty five dollars (%51,145); and to change the Division composition.

ONCA 15-32, Enacted 04/24/2015 FY15

An Act to establish leasing procedures for business, economic development, and public purposes on Osage Nation Restricted and Trust Lands as authorized by Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership Act of 2012, P.L. 112-151, July 20, 2012 codified as 25 U.S.C. § 415 (h) (HEARTH

ONCA 15-31, Enacted 04/21/2015 FY15

An Act to amend 6 ONC § 5-140 to impose a mandatory civil banishment of five (5) years upon conviction for the sale, distribution, or manufacture of dangerous drugs; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 15-30, Enacted 04/16/2015 FY15

An Act to prohibit the taking of eagles within the jurisdiction of the Osage Nation; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 15-29, Enacted 04/30/2015 FY15

An Act to amend the Open Meetings Act at 15 ONC § 7-105, to require agendas to state business to be conducted with specificity and limit any action not on the agenda; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 15-27, Enacted 04/24/2015 FY15

An Act to amend ONCA 14-47, the Executive Branch Division Organization Act, to remove language specific to the division leaders.

ONCA 15-26, Enacted 04/16/2015 FY15

An Act to establish a revolving fund for donations made to the Osage Nation; to authorize and appropriate donation funds for the purpose specified by the donor; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 15-25, Vetoed 04/23/2015 FY15

An Act to amend the Osage Nation Gaming Reform Act of 2007 as amended at 14 ONC § 12-105(E) to prohibit certain elected officials from being excluded from executive sessions; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 15-24 Failed Congress 04/22/2015 FY15

An Act to authorize and appropriate four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) to the Capital Asset and Improvement Fund for purchase of real property in Skiatook; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 15-23 Enacted 04/23/2015 FY15

An act to amend and restate the law governing special session of the Osage Nation Congress, 15 ONC § 1-102 through § 1-105 to define national emergency; to require legislation to be filed three (3) business days before the first day of the Special Session; and to establish an alternate effective

ONCA 15-22 Enacted 04/28/2015 FY15

an Act to amend 26 ONC § 2-114 of the Osage Nation Revenue and Taxation Act to allow a larger percentage of the state tax rebate collected by the Nation to be returned to licensed wholesalers on behalf of the retailers or to retailers directly; to set a termination date for the fund; and to

ONCA 15-21 Enacted 04/10/2015 FY15

an Act to amend Chapter 3 of Title 26, the Osage Nation Revenue and Taxation Act, to allow for 100% disabled veterans to receive a sales tax exemption; and to establish an alternate effective date.