Legislation Information


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ONCA 11-130 Withdrawn 01/06/2015 FY11

An Act to provide an appropriation to the Properties Department for Hulah Lake Park for fiscal year 2012; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.

ONCA 11-126 Vetoed 01/06/2015 FY11

An Act to create the Division of Health, Fitness and Wellness Services within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel and; to require annual reporting to the Osage Nation

ONCA 11-125 Vetoed 01/06/2015 FY11

An Act to create the Division of Child, Family and Senior Community Services within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel and; to require annual reporting to the Osage Nation

ONCA 11-124 Vetoed 01/06/2015 FY11

An Act to create the Division of Education and Early Childhood Learning within the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; to authorize departments of the Division; to authorize organization of personnel within the Division; to authorize travel and; to require annual reporting to the Osage Nation

ONCA 11-123 Vetoed 01/06/2015 FY11

An Act to amend ONCA 06-02, as amended; to require the Treasurer to report the projected revenue for the upcoming fiscal year by April 1st of each year; to define projected revenue; to remove authority of the Treasurer to choose the independent auditor to be submitted to Congress for approval; and

ONCA 11-122 Original 01/06/2015 FY11

An Act to authorize each branch of the Osage Nation, and the Office of the Attorney General to offer limited education loan repayment assistance to regular full-time employees; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 11-119 Failed Congress 01/06/2015 FY11

An Act to establish procedures to administer and define Osage Nation's self-administered worker's compensation program in a manner that is fair and beneficial to both Workers and Employers

ONCA 11-117 Vetoed 01/05/2015 FY11

An Act to amend fiscal year 2011 appropriation Act ONCA 10-92; to provide an appropriation modification for employee bonuses; and to establish an alternate effective date.

ONCA 11-115 Original 01/05/2015 FY11

An Act to establish a revolving fund in the Treasury to provide health care assistance to members of the Osage Nation; to authorize and appropriate one million two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,250,000) to the established fund; to authorize the Executive Branch designated individual or board to

ONCA 11-114 Pocket Vetoed 01/05/2015 FY11

An Act to establish a revolving fund in the Treasury for the employee loan program; to authorize and appropriate six hundred five thousand dollars ($605,000) to the established fund; to authorize the employee loan program administrator to make limited expenditures out of the fund; to require

ONCA 11-112 Original 01/05/2015 FY11

An Act to amend Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation Act to ONCA 10-97 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Education Department to fund Higher Education Scholarships to fund additional incurred tuition and fees to higher education students in the amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500

ONCA 11-110 Original 01/05/2015 FY11

An Act to require all new employees to agree in writing to pay all lawful child support due under agreement or court order as a condition of employment; and to establish an alternate effective date.