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ONCR 10-16 Original 12/11/2014 FY10

A Resolution approving the FY 2010 Financial Management Plan and Investment Strategy of the Osage Nation.

ONCR 10-15 Enacted 12/11/2014 FY10

A Resolution to approve a specific request in part from the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board not contained in the approved portions of the Plan of Operation for Fiscal Year 2010.

ONCR 10-14 Original 12/11/2014 FY10

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article VI, Section 13 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to change the number of votes of members of Congress required to override a veto or line item veto from three-fourths to two-thirds.

ONCR 10-13 Enacted 12/11/2014 FY10

A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Articles III, VI, VII, VIII, XIII and XV of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to change "membership" to "citizenship", and to change "eligibility for membership" to "right to citizenship".

ONCR 10-12 Original 12/11/2014 FY10

A Resolution commending Elizabeth Srarr Moore as the 2009 Osage Nation Tribal Princess and for serving as a positive role model for all youth and our Osage people; and directing distribution.

ONCR 10-11 03/18/2010 FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - FY10 HunKah A Resolution commending Erica Pretty Eagle Moore as the 2009 Osage Nation Tribal Princess and for serving as a positive role model for all youth and our Osage people; and directing distribution.
ONCR 10-10 03/23/2010 FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - FY10 HunKah A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XX, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 10-09 03/23/2010 FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - FY10 HunKah A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XI, Section 3 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 10-08 03/23/2010 FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - FY10 HunKah A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XI, Section 8 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 10-07 03/31/2010 FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - FY10 HunKah A Resolution to approve the Osage Nation Election Board rules and regulations governing elections in accordance with the Osage Nation Election Code.
ONCR 10-05 12/14/2009 FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - 23rd Special Session A Resolution to approve the fiscal year 2010 revenue projection of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 10-04 01/19/2010 FY10 First Osage Nation Congress - 25th Special Session A Resolution to release funds appropriated to the Executive Branch and placed in reserve for the purpose of litigating Osage Nation v. Thomas E. Kemp Jr., Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission; Jerry Johnson, Vice-Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission; and Constance Irby, Secretary-Member of the