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ONCA 14-60 09/12/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - FY14 TziZho An Act to establish penalties for violation fo the Office of Fiscal and Performance Review law; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 14-59 09/17/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - FY14 TziZho An Act to amend the Competitive Bidding Act, 15 ONC §§ 2-411 and 2-421, to require bids to be opened in Pawhuska; to broaden the scope of penalties; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 14-58 10/30/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - FY14 TziZho, Fourth Osage Nation Congress - FY15 HunKah An Act to authorize the Osage Nation to invest in real property in the original Osage Reservation Area offered for purchase; to create a real property purchase fund; to place restrictions on expenditures out of the real property purchase fund; to authorize and appropriate the sum of one dollars ($1)
ONCA 14-57 09/03/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - FY14 TziZho An Act to amend ONCA 14-47 that established the Divisions of the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 07-11, 11/28/2006 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - 2nd Special Session An Act relating to the Osage Nation Employee Christmas Bonus Fund; Making a Supplementary Appropriation thereto; Authorizing spending; Declaring an emergency, and setting an effective date.
ONCA 07-02 11/06/2006 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - 1st Special Session An Act establishing a tribal corporation which shall serve as a holding company through which all Osage Nation enterprises and activities will be owned, managed and operated on behalf of the Osage People.
ONCA 07-01 11/06/2006 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - 1st Special Session An Act to provide for updating the Osage Tribal Gaming Ordinance to Reflect the Changes in the Osage Nation Constitution and to Correct the Numbering of Sections in the Osage Tribal Gaming Ordinance.
ONCA 14-56 09/26/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - FY14 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of two million four hundred thousand dollars ($2,400,000) to the Capital Asset and Improvement Fund to remove the current arbor and to design and construct a new arbor; to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 14-55 09/19/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - FY14 TziZho An Act to authorize and appropriate three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) to the Capital Asset and Improvement Fund for installation of a fire suppression system and security system in the Osage Nation Museum; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA14-49 07/31/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session An Act to repeal ONCA 12-12 and to amend ONCA 11-67, the Osage Nation Restricted Real Property Repurchasing Act; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 14-53 08/01/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session An Act to provide an appropriation modification and a supplemental appropriation to the Osage News in the amount of twenty two thousand six hundred seventy seven dollars ($22,677); and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 14-52 08/01/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of two hundred eighty thousand ($280,000) to the Osage Nation Treasury for payment of the Campus Master Plan loan; and to establish an alternate effective date.