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ONCA 14-51 08/01/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session An Act to amend 15 ONC § 8-102 of the Open Records Act to protect electronic mail and addresses of members of the Osage Nation; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 14-48 08/01/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session An Act to provide an appropriation to the Health and Wellness Division in the amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for Communities of Excellence Programs #568 M-Power (NATEN), and #565 Tobacco Control for fiscal year 2015; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)
ONCA 14-47 08/01/2014 FY14 Fourth Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session An Act to repeal and replace legislation authorizing and establishing the divisions of the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCR 14-14 06/17/2014 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - 14th Special Session A Resolution to authorize and approve execution of a loan agreement, pledge agreement and related loan documents; to authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity from suit and a consent to jurisdiction; and to designate the proposed borrowing as qualified tax-exempt obligations for purposes of
ONCR 14-10 05/22/2014 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - 13th Special Session A Resolution to acknowledge that all mineral estate shares and fraction of shares returned to the Osage Nation by non-Osage Headright owners originate from the minerals estate and are to be administered by the Osage Minerals Council.
ONCR 14-08 04/17/2014 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah A Resolution to set the compensation and reimbursement allowances for the Boards and Commissions of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 14-07 04/15/2014 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah A Resolution to provide a limited waiver of sovereign immunity for the purpose of receiving a grant from the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust.
ONCR 14-06 04/25/2014 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah A Resolution to express confidence in the ability of the Osage LLC Board to restructure and build our non-gaming business interest.
ONCR 14-05 04/07/2014 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XI, Section 8 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 14-04 04/07/2014 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XI, Section 3 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 14-03 04/07/2014 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XX, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 14-01 10/29/2013 FY14 Third Osage Nation Congress - 8th Special Session A Resolution to support the execution of an inter-governmental Tobacco Tax Compact between the Osage Nation and the State of Oklahoma, and to authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity contained therein.