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ONCR 24-16
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
A Resolution To support a grant tribal match in the amount of thirty one thousand six hundred fifty one dollars ($31,651) to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a Building Resilient Infrastructure Communities (BRIC) grant. (Revard)
ONCR 24-15
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
A Resolution To support a grant tribal match in the amount of one thousand seven hundred dollars ($1,700) to the Bureau of Justice Assistance in the Department of Justice (DOJ) for a Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) grant. (Revard)
ONCA 24-42
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
An Act To amend ONCA 23-100 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Hominy Village Committee Fund in the amount of thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000) for pumping and spraying; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Goodfox)
ONCR 24-14
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
A Resolution To authorize and approve execution of a “Contract for Treatment Services or Other Integrated Services – Fixed Rate FY23 and 24” and each and every year thereafter with the State of Oklahoma - Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; and to authorize a limited waiver of
ONCR 24-13
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
A Resolution To authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity from suit and consent to jurisdiction to the Oklahoma Historical Society, an agency of the State of Oklahoma, for the purchase of real estate known as the “Chief Lookout Gravesite.” (BigHorse)
ONCA 24-41
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
An Act To amend ONCA 23-85 to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Cultural Donations for the Blackwell-Frazier American Legion Post 142 of Hominy, Oklahoma in the amount of forty thousand dollars ($40,000); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Maker)
ONCA 24-40
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
An Act to authorize and appropriate the amount of two hundred sixty one thousand dollars ($261,000) to the City of Pawhuska for sewer repairs and infrastructure; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Keene)
ONCA 24-39
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
An Act To establish a revolving fund for the Judicial Branch to process revenues, expenditures and bonds by operation of the Courts; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Revard)
ONCA 24-38
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
An Act To amend the Osage Nation Bar Association Fund at 1 ONC § 1-101 to change it to the Osage Nation Bar Fund for the benefit of the Judicial Branch; to amend the stated purpose; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Revard)
ONCA 24-37
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
An Act To provide an appropriation to the Capital Asset Fund in the amount of eight hundred fifty thousand dollars ($850,000) for the demolition, design, engineering, and construction of a visitors center in the town of Fairfax, Oklahoma; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)
ONCA 24-36
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
An Act To authorize and appropriate one hundred twelve thousand one hundred forty dollars ($112,140) to the McCord Fire Department for the purchase of new equipment; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)
ONCA 24-35
Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY24 HunKah Session
An Act To provide an appropriation in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for the Dream Keepers Park project in Tulsa; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw)