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ONCA 13-92 09/26/2013 FY13 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to Osage News for fiscal year 2014; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 12-123 10/01/2012 FY12, FY13 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah An Act to provide an appropriation for cultural donations for fiscal year 2013; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-91 09/26/2013 FY13 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Attorney General of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2014; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 12-122 09/26/2012 FY12 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah An Act to provide an appropriation to Osage News for fiscal year 2013; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-90 09/27/2013 FY13 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the divisions of the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2014; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 12-120 09/24/2012 FY12 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah An Act to provide an appropriation to the Attorney General for the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2013; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-89 09/27/2013 FY13 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Legislative Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2014; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 12-119 09/27/2012 FY12 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah An Act to provide an appropriation to the divisions of the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2013; to provide an apporpriation for cultural donations; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-88 09/27/2013 FY13 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Office of the Principal Chief of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2014; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 12-118 09/25/2012 FY12 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah An Act to amend 15 ONC §§ 2-319 and 2-321, to remove the requirement that Congress approve accounting procedures; to require the Treasurer to establish an investment committee; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 12-117 09/27/2012 FY12 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah An Act to amend the Open Meetings Act at 15 ONC § 7-107, to require a copy of all documents reviewed in executive session to be retained by the body; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-87 09/26/2013 FY13 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho An Act to provide an appropriation to the Judicial Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2014; and to establish an alternate effective date.